Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Prosecutions by local authorities under the Act of 1950 have little deterrent effect , because the increased sales are such that fines at the level presently authorised under the statute can be absorbed by large retailers as a relatively small increase in their costs , though the same is not true of small shops with their much lower sales .
2 Despite hopes that some tasks inappropriate to junior doctors can be delegated to other groups of staff the new deal on juniors ' hours risks worsening the situation by increasing the intensity of work still further , notwithstanding the shorter working week .
3 Written in C and C++ , the software comes with what the firm calls a universal dictionary — a set of object mechanisms which can be tailored to individual requirements — and an inference engine , which generates the SQL statements .
4 Written in C and C++ , the software comes with what the firm calls a universal dictionary — a set of object mechanisms which can be tailored to individual requirements — and an inference engine which generates the SQL statements .
5 This awareness has driven us to evolve new systems that can be tailored to local needs and which reflect current advances in auditing techniques . ’
6 Thus the cleaning can be tailored to different surfaces .
7 But we will suppose that our researcher is cautious in making claims , and so might wish to extend the enquiry and see whether the same results can be replicated with different subjects doing different tasks .
8 They form spontaneously in the waters of our planet without the elaborate ‘ machinery ’ that DNA needs ; and they develop flaws spontaneously , some of which can be replicated in subsequent layers of crystal .
9 What can be gathered from such figures as are available , are trends in disease prevalence and changes in the geographical patterns of infection .
10 The supposedly most securely dated vessels are those which can be related to Continental chronologies ; vessels which occur on the Continent but not in England date to before the migration , those on both sides of the North Sea to the migration period itself , and those which are only found in England must have developed after the migration period .
11 Although perhaps the paradigm for the village school was some idyllic haven seen on a summer 's day , the report is still a good review of the position and can be related to other parts of Western Europe .
12 Unfortunately , despite the widespread excavations at Alcester , little has been found which can be related to religious practices .
13 Locke 's distinction can be related to earlier ones too .
14 The activities of delinquent fans might be more intelligible if they can be related to particular roles and positions with respect to other fans .
15 The parameters appearing in the Richards functions can be related to biological factors .
16 In this case the relationship is treated as if it were a one-to-many relationship , but the records on the ‘ many side ’ are duplicated because each record can be related to several parents .
17 Angular scales , on the microwave background can be related to linear scales , λ , at the present epoch by .
18 Assuming that consensus can be reached between both parties as to the principal deal terms , with structuring being used to bridge the inevitable gap between the expectations of the purchaser and vendors , it will be important for this consensus to be confirmed in writing in the form of non-binding heads of agreement .
19 But planners will tell Delyn Borough planning committee today that , providing agreement can be reached on opening hours and a fume extraction system , it should be allowed .
20 The bars are on the ground floor and can be reached by separate entrances : the vault bar from the street and the lounge bar from the front of the hotel .
21 Charles Haughey , the Irish Prime Minister , on Jan. 21 and again on Jan. 22 declared that if " a new and more broadly based agreement can be reached by direct discussions and negotiations with all the parties involved , the Irish government will be prepared to contemplate , in agreement with the British government , a new and better-structured agreement or arrangement to transcend the existing one " .
22 Hampton Court , Cardinal Wolsey 's splendid palace , can be reached in fifteen minutes by foot .
23 The coast which offers some splendid walks , can be reached in thirty-five minutes .
24 Ladder attenuators incorporating Π sections turn out to be more economical in components than those formed from T sections because adjacent pairs of shunt resistors can be merged into single resistors .
25 Money can be lent at varying maturities and money settlement will be achieved via changes in operational balances at the Bank of England .
26 If a search for money and/or an avoidance of stress are two indicators of strong arousals from this goal category , then it is clear that some people can be motivated for long periods of time either by stress avoidance or by accumulating more and more money .
27 At the end of each level you 'll find a shop where coins can be exchanged for extra weapons and life .
28 Prior to the close of business on the redemption date , the debentures can be exchanged for common shares of Southern New England Telecommunications Corp at a rate of 8.358 shares for each $1,000 in principal , subject to Sprint 's right to pay cash equal to a five-day average of the closing price of Southern New England 's common shares .
29 Clients choosing half board receive vouchers for their evening meal , which can be exchanged at several cafes and restaurants throughout the village and the pension is ideally placed for you to choose .
30 The bond can be exchanged after 45 days and until November 30 1993 , into 1.175 IBM Corp shares — the first time in recent history that IBM has made an acquisition for shares .
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