Example sentences of "can [verb] us [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both the external and the internal factors can affect us at the physical , emotional , mental and spiritual levels .
2 — the way in which he and his colleagues can assist us on an individual basis .
3 Studying literature , then , is a serious business ; it is concerned with close examination of those authors who can bring us to a deeper ( and more moral ) understanding of humanity .
4 Meditation can bring us into the immediate presence of God .
5 This does not mean that the old books can provide us with no concrete evidence from the past , but it does mean that old books must be read with delicacy ; with a sense that if we go blundering into them , assuming that they mean what we mean by words like sky , earth , history or nature we shall get everything wrong .
6 So neither incorrigibility nor indubitability can provide us with an alternative form of foundationalism .
7 Tragically the story of God 's wrestling match makes all too good sense , and a tale which bears so clearly the marks of its primitive beginnings can take us to the very summit of Calvary , and deep into the still broken heart of God .
8 I is there anything you can tell us about the additional costs of er er increased specifications , there have been some increases as well minor reductions .
9 Residuals can tell us about the general level of variability of data over and above that accounted for by the fit ; we can judge atypical behaviour against this variability , as measured , for example , by the midspread of the residuals .
10 This , in turn , will cause us to address the broader issue of whether there is , in a more general sense , a genuine , causal association between insanity and at least some forms of creativity ; and , if that is so , what it can tell us about the underlying qualities of psychosis and of the creative process .
11 ‘ You can drive us to the front door of a pharmacy .
12 In overall terms , between 1900 and the present day , the state apparatus for collecting and sorting criminal information has changed so dramatically that we must question whether it can supply us with a valid measuring-stick with which to compare the two periods .
13 These are all roads where the pedagogical tradition has pointed signposts in the wrong direction , making us search for English ( the nature of English conversation , at least ) where it is not — and where only a careful analysis of natural conversational data can get us on the right road again .
14 He can advise us on the best brochure layouts , promotional photography , video or slide presentation — the whole package .
15 Porn can teach us about the simple mechanics of lesbian and gay sex .
16 Further to my telephone conversation with your assistant , I am now writing to ask if Aspinwall & Co can help us with an important project related to the above .
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