Example sentences of "can [verb] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is n't it good to know you can sprint effortlessly for a bus , you can run up a flight of stairs without your heart thumping ?
2 However , each represents a recognisable stage of achievement , so that the student can build progressively towards a range of demanding and useful competences .
3 The problem can arise acutely in a situation where Y takes goods from X on ‘ sale or return ’ terms .
4 Both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have demonstrated that plumes can arise only at a boundary between convective regimes , such as that between the Earth 's core and mantle at a depth of 2,900 km .
5 What is unique about capitalism is that exploitation and surplus labour can exist even within a system of free labour markets , so creating the illusion that the worker is also free ; but as Marx points out this is not the case .
6 Yer can stay here for a bit .
7 A gentle walk — which can act almost as a warm-down — will help to clear the debris from your legs and will aid recovery .
8 Rather , they can act only as a guide to decision making by making the assumptions underlying the decisions explicit .
9 So the second attitude can flourish only in a climate where the first is general .
10 Interview schedules can fall anywhere on a scale from the completely structured to the completely unstructured , and many include questions of several types within the same schedule .
11 The arts are especially important and effective in arousing spiritual awareness because they can speak directly at a feeling level , as well as being free from any slavish dependence on religious ideas which are often rejected out of hand by secularists .
12 An animal capable of symbolization can carry away from a situation an inner trace that stands in for the response it may make when it next encounters the situation .
13 It has had to accept that it can do neither without a deal with the opposition .
14 Clinical manager Janet Powell said : ‘ We have tried to make our service as accessible as possible so that anyone who needs to see us , whether about themselves , a relative or friend , can do so at a time convenient to them , ’ she said .
15 Well every biologist knows why you want to do that , it 's so you can swim sinusoidally like a fish .
16 It may be that the general class of adverbials which can appear initially in a sentence could be taken as possible markers of ‘ topic-shift ’ .
17 Thus the term " criterion " can refer either to a description of the knowledge and skills possessed by the learner or the score which has to be reached in order to qualify for the description .
18 If such a structure is to work in practice then it is necessary to keep the teams comparatively small so that they can work together as a unit .
19 So it makes much more sense if you can work co-operatively with a chain .
20 A scientist I know is amazed how often his eight year-old son can see immediately through a tangle of ideas in a problem — the directness and uncomplicatedness and openness of the child is a huge asset which many adults have lost .
21 While the fundamentals of caddying may not have changed since Skip Daniels and Gene Sarazen strode the Prince 's links , the financial aspect has : whereas a caddie in the 1930s might have earned only a pittance for sharing an Open success , the modern-day caddie earns a healthy basic wage on the European tour , and can look forward to a percentage of the winnings .
22 We hope that with the help of its staff , its passengers and its supporters , the line can look forward to a future reflecting its hey day .
23 With Isaac God can look forward to a world over which he can again clap his hands in delight .
24 If that 's the case then Down Royal can look forward to a bumper fixture and then maybe those small fields for the Ulster Derby will begin to be only a bad memory .
25 On top , he 's given a 3 500 housing allowance , and can look forward to a pension of up to 19 500 pounds a year .
26 Instead of looking directly for something one wants to get a true belief about , one can look instead for a sign .
27 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
28 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
29 The flush-fitting Apex can fit tidily into a space between your units , without the need for an air gap .
30 Touche Ross has drawn attention to the fact that the amounts attributable to individual players can fluctuate rapidly as a result of selection policy , personal form/injury , international representation and other matters .
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