Example sentences of "what i [verb] [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 See what I mean about that skirt ?
2 some celery what I got fresh , I cooked some of that cos that 's what I got from that bloke
3 What I remember of that night resembles the memory of a dream : limbs twined round my own , and a loud , throbbing pounding noise that is my heart drumming in my ears , and a huge mouth like a scarlet flower fastened on to my mouth and my neck and my ears , and hands coiling around me and an immense and powerful heat spreading all over my body .
4 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
5 What I said on that occasion was to confirm a policy agreed with the hon. Gentleman 's own party .
6 This chart could then be used as the basis for an essay or a piece of revision and — although the words used might be different — you would , in fact , end up by saying just what I said in that portion of text above .
7 If you think you 're going to persuade me to retract what I said in that article , you 're a bigger — ’
8 I think what I say in that book may be sensitive , so I keep it always on my body , and in Finnish .
9 Meh'Lindi , I need to confide what I learned in that conclave … ’
10 Nobody 's got any expectations of what I do on that day .
11 He dealt very little with guitar techniques and almost entirely with musicality and musical ideas , which is what I needed at that stage .
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