Example sentences of "what i [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now that 's what I mean about being dishonest .
2 W what I go for are two major points I think which actually demonstrate the fallaciousness of this budget that has been proposed to us as an amendment .
3 I was glad to find the original material in what I took to be splendid condition , still clearly bearing the marks of the sculptor 's chisel .
4 I sat with a cup of coffee on my lap , still half-asphyxiated by what I took to be Neapolitan warmth .
5 I found what I took to be high water mark with my feet rather than my eyes .
6 This is not justice ; it is not even a theory of morality , since it rejects a consideration of what I take to be central to moral theory , the sense of each person being a member of a community with , inevitably , obligations and duties to others , as well as rights .
7 I have merely tried to unravel what I take to be some of the main underlying oversimplifications which have informed educational practices in the field of ‘ race ’ and education , whether state-led or self-consciously oppositionist .
8 What I , and I having heard the director , what I want to be clear about , is that any decision which relates to closing local schools on , on economic grounds comes to the full county council , and is , is not dealt with by education .
9 This book collects together what I consider to be some of the major unsolved mysteries of science .
10 My friend has his own sauna and spends what I consider to be excessive amounts of time in the sauna cabin with temperatures over 80 degrees centigrade .
11 I said at the time what I thought was right , and I stick all through to what I believe to be right .
12 Now , as I said , my own investigation of DNA strands revealed what I believe to be specific intelligence and personality factors in Briant Bodies Gamma and Delta .
13 ‘ Hmm , ’ he murmured , but she was glad to see he had lost none of his pleasantness of expression when , considering her request for a few seconds , he divulged , ‘ After almost two years without a holiday or much free time , I last week completed what I believe to be one of my best achievements . ’
14 What I found to be more than a little disconcerting was the feeling of drowning .
15 Oh no I think I 'd want it to be comfortable , but I 'd also want it to look well what I considered to be nice .
16 Ever since the Which ? team carried out what I considered to be some very unscientific trials comparing blood , fish and bone fertiliser with Growmore a while ago , I have been suspicious of their methods .
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