Example sentences of "will be [vb pp] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 The excess should be deducted from the loss and then payment will be made up to the policy limit where applicable .
2 The association has agreed to meet this expense but it will be pointed out to the Youth Club that if they are responsible for any further damage they will be required to provide the cash .
3 ‘ You 're happy with the way funds will be channelled through to the project , I assume ? ’
4 The value of involving the Committee in the consultation mechanisms will be relayed back to the Park Manager .
5 It is understood that these solicitors ( Norton Rose ) have asked claimants to look to their own insurers first and that any claims in addition will be met up to the £2,700 Convention limit .
6 If the case is serious , the injured soldier will be rushed back to the Mash unit in the Vitez school , where gallons of blood have been brought in from Britain .
7 That said , the comments raised will be referred back to the project officers and in West Lothian , in particular , there is room for improvement .
8 The matter will be referred back to the borough council 's officers ' traffic group .
9 Juniors 11–14 Seniors 14–16 the Junior Section being stronger numerically than the Senior Section but several juniors will be moved up to the seniors after the Easter Break .
10 Juniors 11–14 Seniors 14–16 the Junior Section being stronger numerically than the Senior Section but several juniors will be moved up to the seniors after the Easter Break .
11 Under the bill , many cases now dealt with by the High Court will be moved down to the county courts , currently plagued by staff shortages and a backlog of work .
12 If the idea seems viable , it will be turned over to the Research and Development ( R&D ) section , where any necessary research , design and development work can be carried out .
13 ‘ As the industry matures , I believe airlines will be stripped down to the core business of flying people and cargo from place to place .
14 Well it will be sent off to the Secretary of State in theory he has twenty one days in practice I suspect it will be mid-January at least before we learn .
15 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science , because if we carry on like the Tories are , Britain will be pushed down to the second or third division of industrial nations .
16 At other times we will be called out to the scene .
17 Windmill Fields and the Lymington Bottom triangle had been definitely listed as open space , and once landscaping work has been done both these areas will be handed over to the parish council for maintenance .
18 The food will be handed over to the Commissariat and distributed either among the garrison as a whole , or among the sick , depending on its nature .
19 AFTER nearly ten years work a £400m Indian power station , built by NEI Power Projects of Newcastle , will be handed over to the country 's power authorities tomorrow .
20 Once the routine is established the dog is unlikely to vary its habits significantly as it will be attracted back to the scent .
21 Such information will be taken in to the evaluation procedure by the Press .
22 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
23 Please pray that many viewers may be able to share in that worship and find it helpful and that some who would otherwise ‘ switch off ’ will be drawn in to the programme and more importantly to the Lord Himself .
24 It is a genetically-linked defect and will be passed on to the white offspring of the deaf mother .
25 If the last is the case then those profits will either be retained in the company and reinvested , or they will be passed on to the shareholders as increased dividends .
26 At the end of this month , the care of these children will be passed on to the Northampton based charity , World Vision .
27 The cost of recent improvements will be passed on to the public .
28 If you do not want to go to the police , ring Sunday Life on Belfast 331133 ext 4316 and your message will be passed on to the McDermotts .
29 If just a single layer is used it will be stitched through to the outer shell of the bag at intervals and sometimes stitched right through to the lining on cheaper bags .
30 All cameras sold prior to these improvements will be brought up to the new specifications entirely free of charge .
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