Example sentences of "would not have [verb] that he " in BNC.

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1 Jesus ' audience , however , would not have recognised the ‘ son ’ as Jesus because they would not have realised that he was going to die .
2 Dr Tariq would not have said that he liked the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council , but he admired him .
3 If it had n't been for his harsh , laboured breathing , Isabel would not have known that he still lived .
4 And I 'm going to make a suggestion to my Noble friend Lord he has heard all the erm views which are critical of the Government 's approach and I would not have thought that he had much hope in the division lobby as quite frankly .
5 She would n't have believed that he could move so fast as , with a rushing like that of fluid from a punctured sac , the rotten body comes slithering out in a wave of its own juices .
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