Example sentences of "would be [art] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ If we were to win it would be a tremendous setback for Denmark , maybe even terminal .
2 A win over rivals Charlton Athletic today would be a tremendous boost for a demanding ten-match April programme .
3 Up to 50,000 heads of households and their families would fall into one of four categories of eligibility for full British citizenship : there would be a general allocation for 36,200 people and additional allocations for key entrepreneurs ( 500 ) ; disciplined services ( 7,000 ) ; and sensitive services ( 6,300 ) .
4 The extra cost of upgrading computers alone would be a daunting prospect for already over-stretched education budgets .
5 It might be thought , for example , that the major distinction between socialist and capitalist development , terms which are rounded in contrasting philosophies or the proper relations or production , would be a prime subject for the symbolic capacity of the modern artefact .
6 This was a surprising finding for it was thought — with the image of the Yorkshire Ripper search in mind — that the police investigation of major sex murders would be a prime fodder for newspapers .
7 The completed bridge made up of Royal Engineer M2 floating rigs. such a bridge would normally be dismantled before dawn in wartime since it would be a prime target for enemy aircraft during daylight hours .
8 Dick had persuaded himself ( and so had I ) that a good solution would be a middle school for 9–13-year-olds , and an informed choice of a variety of upper schools thereafter : this would open up a rigid system and preserve the best in the grammar-school tradition , as a counterpoise to the strengths of the Public Schools .
9 If you are w going to work part time or full time in most cases there would be a separate coding for it , in this particular example it 's an employment where they do n't operate pay as you earn , i if , use my old phrase no longer applicable I suppose , a corner shop .
10 ‘ It would be a serious mistake for them to believe that they could put the whole Taurus market place at jeopardy by cutting back on their Taurus budget . ’
11 There 's only about er what is it four teams below them in the table at the moment and a defeat today would be a serious blow for them .
12 ‘ Yes , ’ Erika agreed that it would be a nice change for her mother but she looked at Omi , sitting quietly in her chair .
13 May I ask my right hon. Friend to endorse the hope that the multi-party system that President Moi will formally introduce this week will not be based on the tribal backgrounds of those taking part , as that would be a possible recipe for disaster ?
14 There would be a frantic dive for the wash-basins as soon as the show finished , as most theatres still only had one basin in dressing-rooms that held well over a dozen Girls .
15 If the scenes of homosexuality were less explicit , there would be a powerful case for allowing its broadcast .
16 Even in America Ukraine has found friends : Zbigniew Brzezinski , once President Carter 's national security adviser , has argued that a strong and independent Ukraine would be a powerful bulwark for the West against the re-emergence of an expansionist Russia .
17 A series of Marine Nature Reserves around the coast , highlighting and protecting areas of highest interest , would be a marvellous flagship for a wider based marine conservation programme for the UK .
18 The natural history of the upas tree of housing as a social service , growing from the twin roots of rent restriction and indiscriminate subsidy , would be a fascinating subject for a long book .
19 A complete survey of these would be a fascinating project for a doctorate in psychoacoustics .
20 I think she 'd make my uncle a jolly good wife , and it would be a splendid match for her , would n't it ?
21 In both Scotland and Ireland , the Digital plants are the largest employers in the area and closure would be a devastating blow for the local economies .
22 The council 's finance committee heard the price agreed would be a final bill for repairs .
23 Members of the council 's finance committee heard the price agreed for the building contract would be a final bill for repairs at the centre .
24 Reports were now reaching the SD that people — especially those attached to the Churches — were expressing the hope that the Wehrmacht would take over running the State , and that there would be a final victory for Germany but not for National Socialism .
25 With some Tory representatives still smarting over their humiliation in the European Parliament elections , Mr Major said it would be a terrible mistake for Conservatives to become defensive or defeatist about their role in the Community .
26 It would be a perfect location for the work they had to do .
27 I met the promoter at a party and he was looking for an opening act and I said that I had this dance band which would be a perfect opener for Gary Glitter and he took us on .
28 However , he would be a perfect recruit for Arsenal , whose season has ground to a halt since they led the Premier League in early November .
29 And the fine dusting of the seasoning — the green of the parsley , the black of the pepper , would be a perfect cover for thallium .
30 I knew it would be a complete disaster for him if you came back into his life . ’
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