Example sentences of "would [vb infin] that [pron] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Demand for prospectuses has been such that an Independent scribe seeking a Warburgs telephone number for publication was told the firm really would prefer that it did not appear in print .
2 Anyone who had read Hans Christian Andersen 's ‘ The Little Mermaid ’ would know that they did not and could not — not unless they married a mortal , as with Lúthien .
3 ‘ He told them to leave the house immediately and it would appear that they did not take him seriously but laughed when he said this .
4 The portly Breton was standing in the town in yesterday 's parliamentary elections but it would appear that he does not see eye to eye with local activists .
5 But , as BA president John Hitchin at the a.g.m. the following morning declared himself ‘ gobsmacked by Roy Davey 's appalling statement of policy at HarperCollins ’ , it would appear that he did not succeed .
6 A relation is said to be transitive if the fact that it holds between two elements A and B , and also between B and some third element C , guarantees that it holds between A and C. The relation ’ — is longer than — ’ is thus transitive , because if A is longer than B , and B is longer than C , we can be sure that A is longer than C. In the case of an intransitive relation , on the other hand , the fact that it held between A and B , and between B and C , would entail that it did not hold between A and C. For instance , if A were the father of B , and B the father of C , then A could not be the father of C ; the relation ’ — father of — ’ is thus intransitive .
7 Osman 's followers would have to get together ; and Owen would see that they did not find that very easy .
8 He said slowly , ‘ You do n't know me very well , Lissa , or you would understand that I do n't take kindly to facing the wrong end of a pair of shears .
9 I just would suggest that we do n't do it in this committee .
10 If you are waiting for post-feminists to hasten to your rescue , girding their loins and hairy-leggedly taking on the Viz comics and Dennis Potters of this world on your behalf , I would suggest that you do n't hold your breath .
11 But — ’ and here he turned the whole force of his energetic presence on Jacob — ‘ I would suggest that you do not attempt to bring her home .
12 Acca 's continuing exile from his see would suggest that he did not enjoy the favour of Ecgberht and that Ceolwulf was either too ineffective to arrange his return or hostile to him .
13 Only too conscious of the depth of passion simmering in him , and conscious too of her crumbling resistance and his vow that nothing would happen that she did n't initiate , she took a deep , shaky breath and got into the car , shutting the door firmly behind her .
14 Even those who most strongly advocate their use as research tools would admit that we do not know exactly what neural processes generate them and that any particular fluctuation will be the result of a multiplicity of different kinds of changes occurring in several different and possibly independent systems .
15 I do this not only because the issues are easier to grasp in the case of perception than in the case of voluntary movement , but also because neurophysiologists of movement are less prone to wild claims than neurophysiologists of perception : most of the former would admit that we do not yet have the faintest idea how voluntary activity is able to utilize or over-ride reflex pathways ; how we mobilize so-called ‘ motor programmes ’ when we need them ; or even where in the nervous system voluntary movement is initiated .
16 If he were honest with himself , however , he would admit that he did not miss them ; it was the comfort of his home that he missed .
17 It would seem that they did n't use such a device . ’
18 The report of Ansell does not disclose whether or not the defendant was aware that his assailant was a policeman , but it would seem that he did not .
19 I would emphasise that we do not support in any shape or form the selling of tobacco goods to children under the age of 16 .
20 The Wise Woman would pretend that he did not exist .
21 I 'm sure those people whose first language is Welsh — a language that has an unbroken oral history stretching back farther than any other currently spoken European language — or any language other than English , would agree that it does not feel ‘ more natural ’ to use their mother tongue — simply ‘ natural ’ , full stop .
22 Most Hindus whom I have met would say that they do not , for they believe that at the heart of life is Oneness — Brahman — which manifests itself in an infinite number of forms .
23 I mean , I mean , lots of different pupils would say that it does n't mean anything in the end because erm you know , what are we here for , what can we do , you know , and like why you know , I mean I , I 'm sure it does n't mean very much .
24 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
25 Yet few educationists would argue that they do not figure in their overall goals for what they wish pupils to achieve or that they do not impinge fundamentally on pupils ' potential success or failure .
26 Oh , everyone would argue that it did n't matter these days , it was n't important .
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