Example sentences of "would [vb infin] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They no longer felt , as they had previously , that there was unlimited time or that things would unfold and develop along the lines that they had unconsciously assumed they would .
2 They would chat and flirt with the legionnaires , making them buy champagne and other expensive drinks , in return for which they would provide female company and , if they found the legionnaire attractive , they would sleep with them .
3 Water , it seemed , was everywhere ; the lanes were mired with it , dikes deep , clogged here and there by flotsam into dams that would sunder and flood under the pressure of constant rain .
4 According to her she was convinced that Francis would inherit and dispose of the business , but she might have thought she could do a deal with Beryl .
5 Hawley decided on an immediate attack by his dragoons on the enemy right wing before his own weary infantry had got into line , convinced that the Highlanders would break and run at the mere sight of the royal cavalry charging sword in hand .
6 But , all those years ago , she simply had n't been experienced enough to realise that , despite those wonderful and ecstatic nights of passion , her marriage to Ross had been founded on a disastrously thin layer of quicksand ; a relationship which would crack and disintegrate under the first onslaught of any stress and tension .
7 From there the single line emerged onto the road , and along one side of it the train to West Cork would puff and blow at a brisk but not incautious pace , its smoke staining the leaves of the roadside trees , the guard ringing his bell almost without stop until they were approaching Carrigrohane and could reasonably expect to be out of range of busy pedestrians , excited children , and messenger boys on bicycles plaguing the engine-driver by trying to outspeed him .
8 The separatist Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) , which had co-operated with the EPRDF in a strategic alliance to bring down the Mengistu government , announced on May 29 that it was to set up its own provisional government in Eritrea , although it would recognize and co-operate with the EPRDF administration in Addis Ababa .
9 In so doing they served notice that , although enthusiasm would ebb and flow through the following decades , a new and fundamental fact had entered the politics of the nation .
10 It is obvious that business activity would falter and collapse without the use and constant development of information/data-based technologies .
11 Everybody knitted , children on their way to school , shepherds minding their flocks , men on their way to market , all would knit , and women would gather and sit by the fires at night knitting and singing and reading aloud .
12 He would stand and stare into the darkness trying to see the old ruins of Caesar 's time , but not tonight , the mist was too thick .
13 In the most dreadful weather he would stand and wait in a wet grove of ash and hazel for a shot at a woodcock .
14 Willie and Zach managed to see each other every day as well as weekends and odd evenings and they , the twins and George would walk and play in the fields together .
15 Here a second fleet of transports would be waiting with another 20,000 men , who would assemble and embark at the last moment to secure the maximum surprise .
16 Then he would go and piss in the gutter .
17 My parents would go and stand outside the Aldwych theatre just to see the audience going in to see me .
18 She would go and stand behind the sofa to pass her motion and when finished would demand that her mother remove the nappy immediately .
19 And then after they had reached the other end , erm one of the men would go and stand in the middle of the two and the and the other sitting down .
20 ‘ If we had a dog we could let it off the leash now and it would go and roll in the heather . ’
21 Here in the great saloon , light and airy with its tall mullioned windows facing north and south , its smart bolection moulding around the panelling and its groaning tables of food , the men would congregate and feast after a long morning 's deer hunting in the park .
22 I would shower and change into a dress .
23 I could n't eat , because of the cuts , could n't drink — they were feeding us milk through straws — and my face was beginning to get septicaemia as we lay in this hut with just this little oil- lamp , and the mosquitoes at night would come and sit on the wounds , and I could n't stop thinking about what was going to happen next in my life , and we had no newspapers and I did n't know what was happening and I could n't cry because it pulled the stitches .
24 But I tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts would come and recline at the table with Abraham , Isaac and Jacob and the kingdom of the heavens , whereas the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into darkness outside , that , there is where the weaken and the nation of the two
25 If I did n't move someone would come and feel for a pulse and , finding one , finish me off .
26 " I see , " said Clara , descending : and she thought of the square flat patch that extended beyond her mother 's house at home , and of the grudgingly mown grass , and the dutifully weeded herbaceous borders , and the complaints about neighbouring cats and dogs that would come and dig in the unrewarding earth .
27 As a small child Eva was allowed to sit on a little stool next to the pianist at the Maryborough corps , where she would sing and clap during the meeting .
28 Me father used to sit at one side of the fireplace and me aunt at the other one , and they would sit and talk about the Bible .
29 Mrs Manners would cook a large early dinner and they would sit and chat about the coming year .
30 And he would sit and wait on the other side for someone to come and pick him up when he was coming home . ’
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