Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [conj] [pron] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 You would think that somebody else had been in control of our public finances for the past fourteen years . ’
2 In an effort to save face , he adopted a casual attitude hoping that his staff would think that he actually meant to keep his hat on all day long just for the heck of it , like gangsters do in the films .
3 The partial pressure of a component gas is the pressure the gas would exert if it alone occupied the total volume at the same temperature .
4 Already I had had presentiments of the satisfaction I would feel when I eventually got the bag home — the huge relief as I unpacked my treasures .
5 Presumably this was important to him ( it always was to me and I can fully understand this ) for he wrote the route up in the new routes books asking how others would feel if he subsequently went back and placed a single bolt runner to protect the route .
6 If Cnut was primarily responsible for the expulsion it would show that he sometimes dealt in a fairly high-handed manner with ecclesiastics who incurred his displeasure .
7 I 'm looking out at the moodily lit bathroom and wondering what I would do if I suddenly saw William appear out there , flight bags in hand , a Surprise , honey , I 'm home ! look on his face .
8 All the time during each turn it is essential to have a plan for the worst contingency and to know exactly what you would do if you suddenly lost 200 feet .
9 Jabbing violently forward , with no thought whatsoever of what she would do if she actually hit him , she did n't even notice where he was retreating until it was too late .
10 Perhaps he had forgotten that the bell would ring or he hardly cared whether it rang or not .
11 This was the man she would follow if he merely smiled .
12 I 'm sure none of us would mind if you just did n't bring any at all . "
13 I would guess that he originally came over for morale of the troops .
14 So when the shivering fit is over I write my bellicose article and no one would guess that I ever hesitated .
15 We expected that a number — perhaps an embarrassingly large number — of students would decide that they simply did not like our courses , and we were prepared to smooth the path of transfer .
16 If anything , this would suggest that we actually overestimated the frequency of cisapride relapses , and underestimated the placebo relapse rate .
17 How do you think they would react if I suddenly announced that the new man in my life is the man who ditched my sister five years ago ? ’
18 ‘ What would happen if anyone just wanted to get out of the partnership — I mean , without a death being involved ? ’
19 Existing charities would wonder whether they still fell within the legal definition .
20 She knew he would be in hospital a long time and wondered how they would manage if he ever came home .
21 In the end I had to take it to a skid pan to see how far it would go before it eventually lost its cool The answer was as far as its steering lock would allow .
22 Erlich had the passenger seat as far back as it would go and he still shifted his weight about as if he needed another six inches of leg-room .
23 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
24 It would seem that they often thought of ‘ creating ’ the document which St Thomas , as they believed , had promised them .
25 The school was aware of this and specifically created a post of responsibility for the brighter child and gave this to a senior member of the staff , and that member of the staff was responsible for looking at the effects of mixed ability teaching on specifically identified brighter pupils , and I do n't think the school would say that they totally solved the problem of what to do with the brighter child , but I think it 's a problem which exists even in streamed classes , because the sort of pupils we 're talking about are pupils who are exceptions in their own right — we 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen/ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in a streamed situation .
26 When I worked for the Daily Telegraph , the editor , Bill Deedes , would say that he never missed the letters column of the Guardian .
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