Example sentences of "would [adv] have [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He would gladly have given a year 's salary just to know what exactly was the relationship between these two .
2 I would gladly have accepted the post of manager even if I had not won it in the club raffle .
3 Given the choice , she would rather have faced the squall again .
4 But she would rather have had a handful of honest reviews .
5 In order to test it he or she would presumably have to examine a number of literate and non-literate societies from the point of view of their degree of ‘ scepticism ’ .
6 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
7 It would only have taken a word and the simple , undeniable proof .
8 If a form E111 had been obtained from Department of Health and Social Security , prior to departure , then the claimant should not have to pay the bill or would only have to pay a proportion of the bill at the hospital/clinic , where the treatment was received .
9 Differences occurred as to means , but examination of the electoral manifestos throughout the 1960s and 1970s shows a reluctance to politicize issues which , given the intractable nature of crime and the limited efficacy of measures to counter it , would only have had the effect of exciting popular expectations beyond the capacity of any government to fulfil .
10 At that stage Transvaal were still in the running for the night series trophy and his presence would obviously have made a difference .
11 His mind would gleefully have converted the money into his own units of currency — large whiskies and five-pound yankees .
12 If she had been killed , he would personally have roasted the man over a slow fire .
13 We never tried to see one another 's faces : that would perhaps have spoiled the purity of the experience .
14 It was a great nature , checked by some hunger of the soul , which ( this is the source of all beautiful desire ) would perhaps have destroyed the soul , had it been satisfied .
15 This may have seemed an odd way of treating a friend , but if one knew Emily it would perhaps have caused no surprise .
16 Nevertheless , Richard Baxter had to move away from Acton , otherwise his persecutors would merely have to correct the warrant and re-arrest him .
17 ‘ The great and beautiful Dane Jacobsen would merely have to cock a finger and the object of his desires would surely come running . ’
18 She would just have to ask the landlord for time to pay .
19 He would just have to take the rope and chair together .
20 If she wanted to get home before dawn she would just have to take the plunge .
21 If — and it was a megalithic if , but I supposed we should consider every possible option now we were at it — if , in some weird way the Ghost and her voice really did exist , then as soon as she 'd got over her disappointment , she would have to admit she 'd been defeated fair and square , and would just have to honour the deal and flit off back to heaven or wherever it was she lived now .
22 It would just have confused the issue . ’
23 What was proposed was not the submersion of party in a wider unit , but a parliament of collaboration between independent groups ; no more was discussed in 1918 and , despite the strength of the arguments for further collaboration , they would scarcely have carried the party to a greater commitment .
24 If the university had been , say , in Vermont , I would have agreed to go and would somehow have found the money to pay my fare and support myself in America — and interpret for Jean-Claude .
25 The manufacturer would thus have to spend a lot on mass advertising to create brand loyalty for the product , or attempt to ‘ push ’ the product through the channel by providing trade incentives , with probably a lower end price than competitive products coupled with a larger profit margin for retailers .
26 Students would normally have completed an undergraduate course in orchestration .
27 He said : ‘ You are thinking what I 'm thinking , are n't you , that Froggy would normally have squandered the lot ? ’
28 Since his physical courage was beyond question either by himself or anyone else , he would normally have had no objection to saying so .
29 On passing under the building a cacophony of kettle drums and trumpets would once have announced the arrival of any important visitor .
30 Wales would once have relished the opportunity ; in present , straitened circumstances , it is desperately unfair .
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