Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In view of future events it is important to note the absence of detail on agriculture , even though this had been designated a special economic activity which would be handled completely at the supranational level .
2 The additional contributions would be channelled back to the lending institutions by the Department of Social Security .
3 ‘ She asked me how I was and when I would be moving in to the cottage . ’
4 Shoes would be kicked off beneath the desks and lie untidily askew .
5 Whereupon he would be enrolled forthwith in the Tenth Company , of tyro Marines .
6 To be sure , the last page of the last chapter had not been written at the death of the last apostle any more than it had at the death of the Messiah ; but , like him , the disciples enjoyed the characteristic gift of the end , the Holy Spirit whom the prophets knew would be poured out in the last days .
7 In nineteen forty two The Lady proudly announced that the president of the Board of Trade had cut his large bath towels in half and he hoped his sacrifice would be repeated all over the country .
8 joint local authority/private sector schemes — ownership and ultimate responsibility would lie within the public sector but the day-to-day running of the service would be contracted out to the private sector through competitive tendering .
9 I would be employed also by the WEA and as a Trade Union lecturer ( which , as far as I know , I still am ) .
10 In between arriving and leaving for Castelnaudary , most people would be weeded out by the tests or fall short of the required standards .
11 By 1918 these fears had reached fever pitch ; one Conservative MP recalled that his family had expected that the end of the war would be followed by atrocities like those in Russia , that " families like ours would be strung up from the nearest lamp post " ; Robert Sanders was surprised to see on Armistice Day that the crowds were actually cheering the King , so unlike the fate of the Russian royal family a few months earlier .
12 They would be based increasingly on the operating lease and take the form of instruments focused on the capital markets .
13 A White Paper on defence released on May 21 , 1991 , suggested that future defence considerations would be based less on the South Pacific , as had been the case over the last six years , and more on New Zealand taking an active part in global security matters .
14 Tha that would mean that all pensioners who are drawing the pension from pension funds would be penalised back to the date that you 're talking about .
15 These would be pushed away by the radiation from the Sun , taking with them any payload attached to them .
16 Therefore , a second reading would be pushed further to the right side of the network , requiring less reader effort ( cI ) .
17 Norma Thomson , secretary of New Deer Community Association , said : ‘ Perhaps whoever did the break-in knew there would n't be a policeman going back and forth and that he would be tied up at the meeting . ’
18 When the girl at the reception desk discovered that I would be leaving early in the morning , she insisted on refunding £2 , since I would be on the road before she arrived to cook breakfast .
19 The lesson of the factory siren would be heard too in the sciences , leading to the horrible clockwork universe of Laplace and his successors .
20 A BS spokesman said he could see no possible solution to the problem at this stage but the issue would be examined closely over the next six months .
21 All contracts could be described quite properly as being in restraint of trade , but this was not a term of abuse , and only those contracts which were in unreasonable restraint of trade would be struck down by the courts .
22 In the case of the Watford and Foxton Locks , the line of ascent would be longer than in the sample , say , by only 1 min. and 4 minutes respectively : and the cost of the works would be increased only by the cost of increased lengths of slopes or inclines ; that is — 24 feet and 100 feet respectively .
23 It was agreed to tighten the Protocol so that CFC production and consumption would be phased out by the year 2000 , and that halon and ‘ other ozone depleting substances ’ should be phased out as soon as feasible .
24 Before the start of the conference , the UK Agriculture Minister , John Gummer , announced that industrial dumping would be phased out in the UK by 1992 , except in the case of ICI and Sterling Organics ( responsible for 78 per cent of all industrial waste dumped in the North Sea ) which would be licensed to dump until 1993 .
25 If at the time of the first Red Flag Act anyone had prophesied that within 100 years horseless carriages would be careering around by the million , they would have been thought dangerously deluded ; no one would have believed that society would survive such an onslaught .
26 The remote would be blasted out of the sky in less than a fiftieth of a second . ’
27 Chamberlain coughed politely and said he was sure it would be cleared up by the time he took over .
28 Chamberlain coughed politely and said he was sure it would be cleared up by the time he took over .
29 The Mountie , unperturbed , said he would be proceeding vigorously with the enquiries into both Angelica 's and Ricky 's deaths and perhaps he would have news for everyone in Winnipeg .
30 In some instances constraints would be imposed indirectly through the imposition of a duty to provide reasons ; in other cases the courts hinted at the limits they would set , such as if the decision was perverse or made in bad faith .
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