Example sentences of "would [adv] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On March 21st Robin Leigh-Pemberton said he was confident that the Bank would eventually be independent of political control .
2 In practice , of course , this condition would rarely be satisfied by foreign companies , or by Irish companies whose shareholders were resident in other member states .
3 The North might well observe too that it would rather be free of national economic policies that have only succeeded , over so many post-war years and through several alternating governments , in bringing the country to a level of GNP per head visibly falling behind all our respectable rivals — and some newcomers till recently beneath notice .
4 In particular , the evaluation of model derivatives and the use of more than one model simultaneously would only be possible for large systems within such a framework .
5 The miller 's day was dictated by the movements of the tides because his source of power would only be available for short periods of two or three hours at a time .
6 He added : ‘ We may decide that all are acceptable , that none are acceptable , that some are acceptable and others not , or that some would only be acceptable with minor modifications . ’
7 Besides , many of the government 's constitutional ideas are remarkably similar to those of Mr Mandela 's African National Congress ( ANC ) : both would apparently be happy with universal suffrage , proportional representation , and an independent judiciary to enforce a bill of rights .
8 Now that Ferrari is virtually certain to stay with Goodyear in 1992 , Pirelli is courting Benneton with promises of ‘ exclusive ’ tyres that would not be available to other ‘ customer ’ teams .
9 But Leeds boss Doug Laughton , knowing that Lindner would not be available until early November because of the World Cup final , switched his attentions to Iro .
10 We felt it would not be good for poor , kind Sir Charles .
11 The advantage would be that ministers and civil servants would not be involved in day-to-day management .
12 However , such a system would not be suitable for private sector occupational schemes .
13 It is restricted to the use of children under 14 and in my opinion would not be suitable for large numbers of bikes or support vehicles .
14 In my opinion , and for the reasons I have tried to formulate , such a refusal would not be consonant with relevant legal principles as they have developed and have been applied in the last 50 years .
15 Bornstein ( 1979 ) also suggests that fingerspelling would not be useful for young children since it involves fine perceptions and handshapes which they themselves may not be able to form .
16 I understand that these applications have only just been submitted to Midlothian District Council as the local planning authority and I have to advise you that it would not be appropriate for Regional Council officials to comment publicly at this stage .
17 Whereas in breast and cervical cancer active treatment is instituted on detection of the disease , it is argued that screening would not be appropriate in localised prostatic cancer because no treatment is often the option chosen .
18 The police then sought the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and were told that such evidence would not be admissible in Irish courts , and that the Attorney General would be seeking an injunction to prevent termination .
19 ( c ) that the goods will be free from any defect , rendering them unmerchantable , which would not be apparent on reasonable examination of the sample . ’
20 ( 2 ) In the case of a contract for sale by sample there is an implied condition ( a ) that the bulk will correspond with the sample in quality ; ( b ) that the buyer will have a reasonable opportunity of comparing the bulk with the sample ; ( c ) that the goods will be free from any defect , rendering them unmerchantable , which would not be apparent on reasonable examination of the sample .
21 That any future development of the sites would not be subject to normal planning controls cause detriment to the conservation area , local listed buildings , or the archaeology and natural history of the sites .
22 Thus , industries which only occasionally are problematic would not be subject to continual regulation but rather would be liable to lightning attacks by the Monopolies Commission or whatever .
23 Consequently , early systems were unsuccessful , and the realisation that effective MT would not be possible without fundamental work on text understanding led to a cutback in funding .
24 Some such open acceptance of our intellectual limitations would not be unrelated to Pyrrhonian ataraxia or peace of mind ; but although Locke does , indeed , conclude that the truth often outruns our ability to know it , he certainly does not accept that nothing can be known .
25 Noting that the EC central bank proposed by Delors would not be accountable to elected governments , Major proposed instead to build on to Stage 1 further steps to promote convergence of economic performance , low inflation and stable exchange rates by building up the existing EC currency , the ECU .
26 Unfortunately , the Museum and the Reading Room of the British Library Reference Division share a common entrance , so any simple count of people walking through either of the two entrances to the building would certainly give a correct number of people entering the Museum , but it would not be correct for genuine visitors to the Museum .
27 The department decided that it would not be politic for private companies to own plutonium and is negotiating to purchase the stocks .
28 The substance of the rejection was that the proposed modifications to one of the modules referenced would not be compatible with future versions of a different product .
29 Thus , although the monies received are capital in nature they are deemed to be income for the purposes of giving the taxpayer deductions and reliefs and they are charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , for instance , the remittance basis would not be applicable although there is no reason why general principles should not be applicable so that income arising overseas and received by a non-resident would not be chargeable under general principles whilst income arising in the United Kingdom could be chargeable under general principles regardless of who it is paid to .
30 The force of the District 's argument lay in the clarification and negotiation of future arrangements which would not be dependent on exceptional agreements within the rural areas scheme in the other counties in the region and in subsequent discussion the WEA representatives concentrated on the three main proposals in Green 's memorandum of July 1938 .
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