Example sentences of "would [verb] his [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
2 He knew that he would make his way towards the tannery , and hoped that the woman — he had never asked her name — would be there at this hour .
3 Edwards has emphasised , ever since the annual meeting two weeks ago when he used his majority shareholding to secure Knighton a place on the United board that he would make his decision at the end of this season .
4 Edwards has emphasised , ever since the annual meeting two weeks ago when he used his majority shareholding to secure Knighton a place on the board , that he would make his decision at the end of this season .
5 If boss Lennie Lawrence decides Pears is unfit to play against Brighton tomorrow , Ironside , 28 , would make his debut for the club .
6 If boss Lennie Lawrence decides Pears is unfit to play against Brighton tomorrow , Ironside , 28 , would make his debut for the club .
7 And all the time he knew Cadalora would make his move on the last lap .
8 Most of the time I worked in the bunkers , trying to keep the stoker supplied with enough coal to fire the furnaces ; he would rattle his shovel in the hatch if I fell behind .
9 Swiftly , she swallowed her ire and , taking a steadying breath , ‘ Well , ’ she began , ‘ so far as I know — and I could be wrong — I believe it has something to do with years back when a tradesman was dismissed , he would pack his tools in the sack he carried them in , and walk off the job . ’
10 I understand Wednesday manager Trevor Francis , who rebuffed Ferguson on the phone , has made it clear to his board that should they be seduced by a new United bid , he would consider his future at the club .
11 The scent of human food was very strong in the Gruncher 's nostrils , and he must have been thinking that so long as he kept going flat out , he would catch his meal in the end .
12 Nansen , an excellent scientist , had realised that the polar ice drifted from east to west and reasoned that if he chose his entry point correctly the ice would tow his ship over the pole and release it near Canada .
13 As he and Du Camp tramped along , he would introduce his friend to the trees and the bushes with mock gravity : ‘ May I present the young phenomenon ? ’
14 When Shearman was appointed National Education Officer for the WEA , questions were raised by the LEA over the continued appointment of a full-time resident tutor in the county and agreement was reached only on the understanding that the new resident tutor would concentrate his activities in the undeveloped rural areas in the south of the county .
15 On 23 June , Charles and Louis sent envoys with final offers : the Frankish heartlands should be divided three ways , but Louis would give up his claims to the Franconian lands west of the Rhine , around Ingelheim and Mainz , while Charles would yield his claims to the region between the Charbonnière Forest and the Meuse .
16 Capron had lent me the gun , and suggested the ploy of telling Graham that I had found new evidence that would clear his name of the allegations that he was a Soviet agent .
17 After fornication with a woman then the one who would join would show his love of the Unholy by taking a child and killing it .
18 ln Derbyshire Will Taylor , the county secretary , would do his sums at the end of the season before phoning the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth .
19 Rostov used the moment to search for a formula which would ease his passage through the final introduction .
20 The driver of the long-distance lorry would tighten his hands on the wheel and urge his machine faster past the bleak terrain that marks fear and anxiety across the breadth of the Motherland .
21 Deputy Judge Robert Reid , QC , said he would give his ruling on the application on Wednesday .
22 With a detailed report on the opposition at hand , everyone would give his views of the game , suggest ideas and illustrate points of play .
23 Barton was keeping the info for a rainy day and he would ring his secretary in the morning and ask her to look in the paper 's library for any cuttings on Amaranth Wilikins .
24 The agreement stated that the defendant would leave the plaintiff 's employment and set up on his own in premises which T would lease to him and T would transfer his custom to the defendant .
25 With such a strength in depth of siblings and relatives in the organisation it may have seemed almost a foregone conclusion that Mr Sandy would follow his father into the business .
26 So sometimes I wallop it in , sometime the the other one would stick his finger through the hole , and the riveter would be dying to be hitting it back he thought it was a drift you know .
27 The Secretary of State threatened the recalcitrant authorities that unless they met specific targets he would use his power under the Act to appoint an agent to take over the sale of a council 's houses .
28 Palace aides secretly expect that if a divorce did take place , Charles would renounce his right to the throne .
29 He was widely believed to be preparing to run for the post of President of the Republic , a post which would entail his departure from the trade union leadership .
30 And he never had the means to maintain the lifestyle he decided would provide his entry into the society he craved to belong to .
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