Example sentences of "would [adv] [be] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were told we would only be in this house temporarily when we moved here .
2 ‘ We were told we would only be in this house temporarily when we moved here .
3 You 're right , I mean you would obviously be in that position if you were going to turn left , but if you 're If you 're going to go down there by all means , but it 's safer if y Say you 're you 're n car number two behind car number one in position two and he 's inc signalling left .
4 It would not be of much help to him , and it would alert any intruder that he was on his way .
5 In either case , it would not be of much use as a source of heat and light for life on Earth .
6 She would not be on this earth much longer .
7 Mrs Thatcher 's heart would not be in that approach , any more than the Labour Party has yet taken the need for high interest rates to its bosom .
8 As for sociable hours , I would not be in this trade if I expected to work nine to five , Monday to Friday .
9 Except suddenly she thought of the receptionist who would normally be at that desk .
10 I have the feeling that if oil supplies were somehow caught up in the Yugoslavian position , an armed intervention force would already be in that country .
11 Were it not for the material in the reports of Hansard to which your Lordships have been referred , I , too , would still be of that view , for although I recognise that in popular parlance with provision to one individual of a service which is , in any event , being provided for reward to many others may be said to cost the provider little or nothing , ‘ cost ’ in accountancy terms is merely a computation of outgoing expenditure without reference to receipts .
12 This year we 've restricted it to primary , partly because we felt that 's where the enthusiasm was , and partly , if people wo n't mind me saying so , to keep out the computer science specialists — we felt that , you know , we did n't want a club for boffins or for the experts , we wanted a club and we felt that if we started at the primary end , where there was n't a lot of expertise , we would probably be of more use .
13 Social conventions would clearly be of little use if only a small proportion of members was aware of them , and the same holds for the interpretative rules which guide the manner in which meanings are attached to objects and situations .
14 What all ( bar for some reason ‘ Memorial ’ Vol. 1 ) have in common is the inclusion of takes from the now-famous November 26th 1945 quintet session which represents for jazz — and bebop in particular — something akin to what Woodstock would later be for another generation ( but without the audience participation ) .
15 Threats would now be of little use , and she knew it .
16 ‘ Now my job 's up north , or I would n't be on this train now .
17 I could do this for you , but it would n't be of much interest unless you were familiar with the stories I read .
18 It would n't be of any use to her .
19 ‘ I came to find you because you were the only person who told me that Liam would n't be in that house .
20 If we 're so smart we would n't be in this mess in the first place .
21 ‘ If she was our daughter she would n't be in this mess , ’ Whitlock retorted .
22 Maybe just a few more seconds and they would have fired him and he would n't be in this position now .
23 If you 'd let your heart rule your head instead of your winkle , you would n't be in this state ! ’
24 But if that man Reagan was n't sending bullets to the army , we would n't be in this situation .
25 Of course with a wreck like you 've got you should be in one of the big motoring organisations — that way you would n't be in this situation now . ’
26 ‘ If I did n't believe clothes helped , then I would n't be in this business . ’
27 There would n't be anyone , she thought , who could get hold of someone tonight , who would n't be in some blotto clinch later ; but it would be mutual , a tenderness of lust , like the balmy air , not rough .
28 The Wolverines ' stock of blast and frag grenades would likewise be of little avail , though since each grenade hardly bulked larger than a coin the Scouts could at least retain their pursefuls of those in case they needed to kill at a distance .
29 ‘ I knew you would never be in any danger . ’
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