Example sentences of "will [adv] be [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 The bridge , owned and protected by English Heritage , will eventually be rebuilt with the original stones , once they 've been recovered from the river bed .
2 Every District Land Registry sends its replies by first-class mail , often by return of post , to all searches received by first-class post ; therefore it should be your invariable practice to send your requisition by first-class mail , too ; otherwise , being delivered by second delivery ( and sometimes later than that ) , it will only be dealt with the following day .
3 In these cases the recommended period will usually be determined with the aid of microbiological analysis .
4 I could n't work out whether it was a band playing it or a record but that tune will always be associated with the trip to Saltburn .
5 One family , that of Höchstetter , will always be associated with the venture .
6 JACK Lee , whose name will always be associated with the Midland School of Embalming , which he founded just after the war and from which he has trained many hundreds of embalmers the world over , has decided to take more of a ‘ back seat ’ and has handed over the principal 's chair to John Davis , although he will still be ‘ in the wings ’ as an advisory tutor .
7 The name of Richard Nixon will forever be associated with the Watergate scandal .
8 Nuremberg will forever be associated with the trials held here after the last war , which is a shame .
9 Contact will also be made with the Edinburgh Evening News highlighting the dangers faced by the children .
10 Further increases in revenue will also be generated with the rise in employees ' National Insurance contribution rates from 1 April 1994 .
11 When you save a design on to disk , all the colours and codes that you have defined for the woolbox will also be saved with the design .
12 Before too long we will probably be presented with the structures of other HLH-DNA complexes including the upstream regulatory factor , a Myc-Max heterodimer and perhaps other Max heterodimer complexes .
13 Because of their implementation dates , they will probably be associated with the Major administration , but they are in fact a legacy of the Thatcher years .
14 An individual accountant will often be charged with the task of recording project expenditure so that , as at node 9 of Figure 2.2 , it can be fed back and compared with the project plan .
15 An individual accountant will often be charged with the task of recording project expenditure so that , as at node 9 of Figure 2.2 , it can be fed back and compared with the project plan .
16 In these notes , an edge will often be identified with the operator labelling it .
17 It is just this which allows subversive potential to parodic repetition but which also means that the parody will typically be inflected with the ambivalence I have described and , partly because of that ambivalence , oscillate between the political and the anarchic .
18 The patterns of individual metal price changes will then be followed with the object of assessing future price trends .
19 You will then be presented with the appropriate working screen .
20 Where it is suggested to professional advisers , the suggestion will commonly be met with the caution and dubiety they naturally bring to a proposal lying outside their experience or practice .
21 Also , on many occasions , I have telephoned as late as 7.15pm only to hear ‘ today 's ’ forecast — at a cost of some 50–60p — but with no hint of when it will actually be updated with the outlook for tomorrow .
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