Example sentences of "would be [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mori 's analysis of the voting intentions of some 22,000 people reveals a similar pattern of Labour failing to gain ground among those who would be most likely to benefit from its policies .
2 After four years at sea and now without compass and sextant , apparently the main attributes of its navigational aids , the old tub and crew are in need of a refit and the new establishment would be most foolish to embark upon the same kind of voyage.J I HOWARD , Glendale , Upper Street , Witnesham .
3 In 1983 , observations from the IRAS infra-red satellite showed that it is associated with cool material which might be interpreted as a planetary system , though it would be most unwise to jump to any conclusions .
4 She then quietly gave me a list of the services there and said I would be most welcome to come to them , or talk to her if I felt I could .
5 In Kralj v McGrath [ 1986 ] 1 All ER 54 which concerned a particularly unacceptable case of medical negligence at a childbirth , Woolf J reviewed the authorities and concluded that " it would be wholly inappropriate to introduce into claims of this sort , for breach of contract and negligence , the concept of aggravated damages . "
6 However , while it might seem that in high EE homes , people with schizophrenia would be particularly vulnerable to relapse after a life event , Leff and Vaughn ( 1980 ) failed to find an excess of events in the weeks preceding relapse for patients in high EE homes .
7 Many women with adverse living circumstances at the first interview will have had one or two psychiatric symptoms and would be particularly likely to benefit from social support .
8 He would be particularly interested to hear from those with experience in the following cognate groups areas :
9 That is , it would be unduly ambitious to claim to be able to describe a complete range of human abilities and the descriptors used for particular abilities are not always separable .
10 Wishes can of course be fulfilled or remain unfulfilled and things may or may not be as people with certain attitudes would like , but it would be thoroughly misleading to speak of truth or falsehood here .
11 These are a large number of possibilities and they would be practically impossible to distinguish by breeding experiments .
12 It would be equally fatal to talk about it to her Auntie May .
13 At worst , it was regarded as consisting of sanctimonious , middle-class persons who mouthed government cliches about ‘ power-sharing ’ and said that they would be equally satisfied to live under London or Dublin .
14 And the Democrats among them also know that if they went on record against a war that turned out to be a great victory , President Bush would be even harder to beat in 1992 .
15 It was what they both wanted and with her share of her father 's money Beryl would be well able to provide for both of them in style .
16 Your local Law Society may well have a public relations officer , and it would be as well to speak to him or her before you embark on contacting the media and putting yourself forward as a specialist .
17 She might exasperate him , but she was fully as intelligent as he was and it would be as well to get to the bottom of this .
18 It would be as well to check with Mr. Bidwell while his memory of the call was fresh .
19 The criterion of simplicity could itself be referred , as it was by Newton , to a God who had ensured that nature did nothing in vain or , as it was by Michael Faraday in the nineteenth century , to a God who had ensured that the book of his works would be as simple to comprehend as the book of his words .
20 It would be as foolish to argue about which of these views is correct as it would be to argue about whether algebra or geometry is the correct way to solve problems in science .
21 I wonder if Mr Clifford would be as enthusiastic to pose for a photograph beside the results of his ‘ ultimate tank weapon of the future ’ ?
22 But if you do n't want it preserved , I think it would be so nice to have in college , if only for next year 's students , and you also would be around for the next two years , I mean if you 're doing , if you 're doing a language erm , option next year , or even a language recitation erm , this would be quite nice material to use for that .
23 It would be extremely tedious to go through my life chronologically ; therefore I shall break off , from time to time .
24 A review of the HLCA system is relevant but overall limits on qualifying numbers are not proposed and the setting of stock numbers to meet conservation interests would be extremely difficult to achieve on large upland areas grazed by a number of farmers with hefted flocks .
25 Erm Catholics would be highly unlikely to consent to taking the sacraments of the Protestant church .
26 It would be highly intelligent to take in the situation instantaneously and choose to stand waiting for death ; but that would be not a reaction but a deliberate act .
27 I can see that perhaps if they want to have a er they may feel they need to stray into other boundaries but I did feel that when I read what Huntingdon district council proposed which was if you like , to completely re-drawing the electoral map for the entire county I was n't actually looking at something that was designed to deal with the interests of the citizens of Huntingdon district council , I was looking at the straightforward political proposal which would be far better to come from a political party than from a district council .
28 I would be especially interested to hear from anyone who has experience of setting up provision for such people .
29 It would be perfectly reasonable to think of pitch as ranging instead from ‘ light ’ to ‘ heavy ’ , for example , or from ‘ left ’ to ‘ right ’ , and people who have difficulty in ‘ hearing ’ intonation patterns are generally only having difficulty in relating what they hear ( which is the same as what everyone else hears ) to this ‘ pseudo-spatial ’ representation .
30 Our previous submissions and the evidence of the Treasury 's own demand equations , indicate that it would be perfectly possible to move toward a more equitable tax system and maintain revenue .
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