Example sentences of "would be [adv] [adj] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the LFAs , grants would be additionally available to part-time farmers .
2 Harefield chief executive John Hunt said : ‘ We would be firmly opposed to any such recommendations .
3 Seb realised his mother would be bitterly opposed to such a marriage .
4 The sounds , as we have already said , must have provided a constant cacophonous background to the daily round , while the smell of a street which included a butcher and chandler 's shop , stables , a smithy , clothiers , workshops and a liberal supply of earth closets would be scarcely credible to modern sensibilities .
5 I think the word sir I would emphasise is stimulate in migration from West Yorkshire , would be clearly contrary to all the established planning principles which have been endorsed by the Secretary of State time and time again .
6 In fact , if we were to set r=0 , the price cost margins would be exactly equivalent to those obtained from the Ramsey optimal pricing problem , precisely because the problem would then be an example of the Ramsey problem .
7 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
8 One of the reasons why the complex inter-market relations of the keiretsu are entered into is to organize those related and ancillary actions which would be internally subject to imperative co-ordination in more typical Western enterprises .
9 Alternatively , is the right hon. Gentleman implying — as I thought that he was in some of his remarks — that legal aid would be generally available to those appearing before adjudicators or tribunals , and that they could secure representation from any part of the legal profession ?
10 He argued that ‘ It would be entirely contrary to longstanding conventions in these matters to publish this sort of information . ’
11 Four centuries earlier Socrates at Athens observed that a really righteous person would be so unacceptable to human society that he would be subjected to every humiliation and crucified .
12 said to me , ‘ We can not have a railway strike , it would be so disturbing to all of us ’ …
13 Before I first visited I supposed wrongly that , since the latitudes are more or less the same , the coastline would be vaguely similar to that of Maine or New Brunswick .
14 It would be extremely unattractive to any group of workers or management to enter a serious bid if they had been told by the Scottish Office that the bid was so contemptible that it would not even qualify for assistance if it failed because another bid from within the same management or work force had been judged as superior .
15 This assumed that the same rewards ( salaries ) would be sufficiently important to all individuals to motivate them .
16 This conflict arises because any directives towards making nationalized industries more fully accountable would , on the one hand , lead to the release of commercially confidential information that would be readily available to private sector competitors , and , on the other hand , would provide for potential political exploitation by those either for or against the concept of nationalization .
17 Many companies manage their cash on bases different from that required by the FRS 1 cash flow statement and , as cash management information would be readily available to most companies , it may be more efficient and cost effective to present this information rather than a full statement .
18 Notwithstanding our reservations over exporting the impact of the unsustainable demands of Wales and England to these locations , or the likelihood that aggregates companies would choose this option as opposed to taking up old planning permissions , we wish to make it clear that we would be fiercely opposed to any proposal for a super quarry along the coastline of Wales .
19 Notwithstanding our reservations over exporting the impact of the unsustainable demands of Wales and England to these locations , or the likelihood that aggregates companies would choose this option as opposed to taking up old planning permissions , we wish to make it clear that we would be fiercely opposed to any proposal for a super quarry along the coastline of Wales .
20 That would be quite unacceptable to good potential MPs who do not think much of popularity ( their own or other people 's ) and would not demean themselves by deliberately setting out to acquire it .
21 She began working with ‘ handicapped ’ children and concluded that the methods which she had found most successful in dealing with feeble-minded children would be quite applicable to those who were normal and that ordinary schools needed the sort of transforma-tion she had accomplished at her own ‘ special ’ school .
22 the bankruptcy of some person who is or may become beneficially entitled to any such property or income ; or 2. an assignment of or a charge on any such property or income being made or given by some such person ; or 3. in the case of a marriage settlement , the death of both parties to the marriage and of all or any of the children of the marriage ; or 4. the death under the age of 25 or some lower age of some person who would be beneficially entitled to that property or income on attaining that age .
23 I know that the ‘ black baby ’ campaign was merely an attempt at fund-raising , but when one realizes that this implies that black children were ‘ for sale ’ one can see that this term would be deeply offensive to black Catholics and others .
24 It struck me this mouse would be very attractive to portable users , but the generous serial lead to the receiver unit is a bit inconvenient for this.One thing I noticed straight away compared with my A4 Tech Microsoft Mouse clone was that it was necessary to reduce the movement sensitivity of my Windows mouse driver .
25 Likewise , in relation to companies Maugham J. in In re Vocalion ( Foreign ) Ltd. [ 1932 ] 2 Ch. 196 held that it would be more conducive to substantial justice to permit foreign proceedings , brought by a creditor domiciled overseas , to proceed .
26 The new streamlined structure , it was argued , would be more adaptable to post-Cold War contingencies than NATO 's current structure which was geared to a massive and sudden attack by the Soviet Union .
27 Will my right hon. and learned Friend therefore have a meeting with his opposite number at the Department of Trade and Industry and endeavour to bring ECGD rates down to a level which would be more favourable to British exporters ?
28 classical on ‘ the supposition that a Classical design would be more acceptable to public taste than a Gothic one ’ .
29 Following well-rehearsed dismounting drills , the riflemen poured out of the Warriors and in next to no time were providing their own fire support as the Warriors reversed away at high speed to give covering fire from positions where they would be less vulnerable to short-range anti-tank weapons .
30 Also , such a system would be less vulnerable to speculative attack .
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