Example sentences of "there could [adv] [be] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There could also be real decline in the 18 to 30 holiday market as the structure of British society changed , with an ageing population , fewer marriages , smaller families , more people living alone and a declining workforce , said Mintel .
2 There could also be well-person clinics .
3 There could also be more dialogue between practitioners , their managers and their professional associations about issues that might benefit from research .
4 It may be that neither statement need be held to subtract from the other , but there could well be some dispute as to which of the two is the more deeply entrenched in the novel .
5 People who you think It 's all melting , there 'll be more wet about but there could well be more deserts and So there 's quite a lot going on there .
6 There could , there could well be more redundancy in the second half er , declining , but there could still be a little .
7 There could even be real health risks in such therapy .
8 But the firms themselves say it 's far too early to assess the impact on jobs … there could even be MORE work rather than LESS .
9 The present idiotic trends can not go on forever , and there could soon be drastic changes .
10 There could still be perspectival appearances of objects to points of view even if all sentient life ceased to exist .
11 For Manville , there could never be another Dien-Bien-Phu , another Hill 24 , another Czechoslovakia or Berlin Wall .
12 There could never be another Suki .
13 Only Lord Scarman 's speech is couched in terms which might suggest that the refusal of a child below the age of 16 to accept medical treatment was determinative ( see [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 , 188H–189B ) because there could never be concurrent rights to consent :
14 But there could never be any proof on the matter , and if she had died after it was stolen , then surely the money would have to be credited to her estate , would it not ?
15 There could never be any resolution of her love for David , but she did not want him to think that his feelings were unwanted or unreciprocated .
16 I knew there could only be one person . ’
17 However , an election was fought , and there could only be one winner .
18 There could only be one winner , and that would be The Doc , ’ Nichol has said .
19 There could only be one reason why Kenneth Clarke , the Secretary of State for Health , was refusing to accept binding arbitration in the dispute .
20 If it was true what he said , that she kept him at arm 's length , surely there could only be one reason for that ?
21 There could only be one reason why Ross — always such a proud and unforgiving man — would have broken his own self-imposed exile and contacted her ; only one reason why he would have brought her back to the quiet privacy of her own apartment .
22 But he was expecting a decision now , and with Angel firmly in mind there could only be one answer .
23 In the end there could only be one option for de Gaulle , but the time it took him to make the decision indicated how difficult it was .
24 ‘ I wept on the night the sidh were last seen at Tara , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ for I knew that they could only sing for one of you , and that there could only be one ruler .
25 There could only be one end to these arguments which were so familiar to him .
26 In view of this dependence on outside finance , some of us felt that there could perhaps be more concern with the economics of what is being done .
27 If the United Nations Convention comes into force there could potentially be two seabed conventional regimes with parties to one constituting third parties to the other .
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