Example sentences of "there would [adv] be [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There would probably be some results , but they would probably be somewhat superficial , and the knowledge gleaned would be of a general rather than a specific nature .
2 We got a cold gust of er icy winds when that I think was out in blossom then there would n't be many conkers .
3 Her train of thought halted with a sickening jolt as she remembered that this summer there would n't be many evenings like that .
4 ‘ I 'd be an idiot if I thought there would n't be more offers in the three-and-a-half years of Hirst 's contract here .
5 Plus , there would n't be any girls there , did n't that worry me ?
6 Something essential had broken down and next year there would n't be any pigeons .
7 He thought there would n't be any jobs for mathematicians except as teachers .
8 And if he played , there would n't be any places left because it 's four .
9 I mean I ride myself , I have dogs myself , I mean , it 's just another excuse from the hunting fraternity , turn it round , blame the cruelty on the saboteurs when really there would n't be any saboteurs if there were n't people to kill foxes purely for fun !
10 Alarm bells should be ringing all over the country , as there would not be enough beds either in hospital or in the community for people with severe mental illness in the future , he said .
11 Allday warned there would not be enough police to handle the situation , ’ said Mr Chambers .
12 I do n't know who it and apparently he asked him that , are , are any of your men gon na be there and if there are he said , I 'm , I 'm gon na pull out and use all my influence to stop the march and the I R A police said no there would not be any gunmen there so I thought yeah , fucking right , oh yeah that 's easy to say , and then if like the reporter said and , and you believe him and you have the feeble excuse towards a small community he said , you know what 's going on
13 I was very worried when I found it was quads , because I assumed that there would just be more complications and we 'd end up with nothing again .
14 No man as prudent as William Titford would have paid out good money for a family grave unless he had some firm evidence that there would eventually be some bodies to put in it .
15 He said there would always be some voices of dissent .
16 There would always be more wolves , ’ I said , ’ to revenge and replace the dead ones . ’
17 i i i in a sense it is a , it is a shift to the left because under the May the fourth directive erm rich peasants in particular would 've been left out of it altogether and there would still be some landlords who were , who would maintain their property but , but now he 's shifted to the left and this , this does represent a further attack on landlords cos , cos everybody comes down to the same level .
18 There would certainly be less shops , restaurants and cafes .
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