Example sentences of "there have [vb pp] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite recognition of the discomfort caused by ventilation and its attendant procedures ( tracheal suction , chest drains , arterial lines etc. ) , there has tended to be some reluctance to prescribe potent analgesics .
2 The phrase represented a manner of thinking about the world very different from that which he had worked out in his own thinking about liberty as perfect obedience to the will of God : an obedience of a will so attuned to the source of order in the universe that there has ceased to be any constraint in obeying .
3 There has got to be some kind of responsibility to deliver what they think they are buying . ’
4 Well I just wonder you , there has got to be some kind of relationship between the fact that most people who take drugs live in really run down deprived areas .
5 There has got to be some genuine changes in our erm willingness to work hard at our family life and not to give in easily at the challenges that so often break our homes up .
6 I said nothing for a moment ; there had seemed to be some special emphasis on the last sentence .
7 I think so , there 's got to be one person I mean I thought about this long and hard and there 's just no way , it can not be done by committee it would not work cos then
8 Where as innovators say that 's boring , er there 's got to be better ways of doing it you see .
9 There 's got to be eighty of 'em and another to tell 'em what to do . ’
10 There 's got to be some form of addiction there , ’ he acknowledged .
11 Curve have n't got time for apathy — there 's got to be some attitude to your music . ’
12 There 's got to be some reason we all drop dead in the end . ’
13 There 's got to be some trust involved . ’
14 There 's got to be some resolution , something that breaks the tension . ’
15 So there 's got to be some way round it . ’
16 There 's got to be some sort of has n't there ?
17 There 's got to be easier ways than this . ’
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