Example sentences of "there be [adj] [noun] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I would also stress the absolute undesirability of the court making an order which may have the effect of compelling a doctor or health authority to make available scarce resources ( both human and material ) to a particular child , without knowing whether or not there are other patients to whom those resources might more advantageously be devoted .
2 But there are other uses to which such information may be put , as the following example which examines what may be the evolution of a single name illustrates .
3 The cost is exorbitant and the Government should take this opportunity to tell that to local authorities , especially in relation to students , although there are other categories to which we may refer in other clauses and amendments .
4 You will see that there are two parts to it — one in which the items have been sorted according to the geographical location ( ie by county name , alphabetically ) ; the other by service category .
5 Clearly , there are two parts to it : the international , and the national .
6 There are two sides to his attack on the experiential explanation .
7 There are two sides to our operation , ’ he had explained , when he led her out of the office block and across a bleak enclosed courtyard , where footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow , towards a high windowless wall of corrugated iron .
8 There are two aspects to it ; things to do with yourself ( that 's the I 'm OK bit ) and things to do with the other person ( that 's the You 're OK bit ) .
9 There are many people to whom you can turn for help .
10 There are many references to his opinions and jurisprudential decisions in medieval rabbinic literature , and there survive commentaries on the first mishnaic tractate of the Talmud ( Berakhoth ( benedictions ) ) and on the domestic service ( Haggadah ) for Passover eve written by him .
11 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
12 There are frequent references to it in Anglo-Saxon writings , and the Greeks and Romans made much use of it ; the Greek army doctor Dioscorides listed it amongst medical herbs , and Pliny also describes it .
13 Furthermore , there are certain limitations to what we can learn from science because the concept of replication does not obtain in police investigation .
14 At a press conference in Washington President George Bush emphasized that the USA did not have unlimited funds , and that " we will negotiate in good faith but there are certain limits to what I will accept " .
15 There are certain clues to what could have happened .
16 But if it 's a world problem , if there are international dimensions to our problems in Britain , or to Kenya 's problems in Kenya , or to Mexico 's Mexican problems in Mexico , then somehow we 've got to have international groups looking at the international aspects of those problems .
17 There are thirteen references to me in it , all of them complimentary ; sometimes I appear as ‘ Burton ’ and at other times as ‘ Mr Burton ’ .
18 ‘ In the Government 's terms , there are economic advantages to it being a regional Olympic bid .
19 While Bachrach and Baratz must be recognised to have identified a major problem in pluralism , there are serious limitations to their analysis .
20 There are five references to him in the farewell discourses .
21 Former Northern Telecom Ltd chief and alumnus of Burroughs Corp , Unisys Corp and IBM Corp itself , Paul Stern is now firm favourite in the betting on the next chief executive of IBM after the Wall Street Journal disclosed that there are strong objections to him from some influential IBM executives — if he 's got those people against him , he must be the right man for the job .
22 ‘ Away with your hymns of praise — there are mere noise to my ears .
23 This is the foundation upon which to build my approach to painting a very different landscape , and already there are notable changes to my technique and palette .
24 And finally , on the A forty-one at Risecote avenue in Banbury , it 's completely closed southbound and the junction with Orchard Way for paving work , and there are some diversions to your journey there .
25 There are some offences to which no matter how full the consent is , there is no defence .
26 However there are some risks to your health from rimming from other types of infection , e.g. hepatitis , salmonella , and some parasites .
27 If I may , I should like to develop my argument because there are several aspects to it .
28 There are several references to what may have been congenital syphilis .
29 Leftfield go all New Yorky on us to demonstrate that there are more shades to their colour than first meets the eye , but really it 's the pair of Zoom mixes that hold the trump cards .
30 Further , power is not rampant ; there are stringent limits to its abuse .
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