Example sentences of "all that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
2 A timely reminder of the potential bio-hazards facing members , this study should remind us all that we deal on a daily basis with chemicals and micro-organisms which can cause much harm and ultimately lead to ill-health .
3 We make-believe that the dried skull is all that we have from a modern animal , use a plaster cast to estimate how big its brain was from the skull alone , and then check with the real brain to see how accurate our estimate was .
4 ‘ Yeah , ’ said Camille from the sitting-room and Scarlet felt happier : all that she loved in the world was safely indoors , not roaming the streets with the dispossessed , the vengeful , the undead .
5 In chapter nine Rolle writes a prose-poem about the efficacy of a prayer in which the Holy Name is a focus for all that he understands about the process of redemption .
6 Yet for all that he no longer believed the creed in which he had been raised : for all that he fought for a king against an upstart general , for the old order against the new , Karelius recognized that at heart he would always be one of Cromwell 's men .
7 One way of perceiving this progression is as the struggle of the poet to come to terms with the nature of creativity , drawing on all that he sees in the imagery of lines 12–22 until the attainment of maturity in the ‘ momently ’ of line 24 , when he reaches a state of oneness with his environment and is free to channel its flow into works of art .
8 Mark , having become the interpreter of Peter , wrote down accurately , though not in order , all that he remembered of the things said and done by the Lord …
9 For all that he warned against the mixing of science and religion , Bacon remained convinced that scientific conclusions had still to be limited by religion .
10 No I do n't think they will but you ca n't really believe all that you read in a newspaper can you ?
11 There are times when I go down to the beach at The Pit and I 'm the only surfer down there and I 'm so frustrated with it all that I sit on a rock and shout my head off .
12 I bought all that I needed for a laboratory , and sent everything to Scotland .
13 She told us that her sister had lost her home and all that it contained in the December tragedy , and was still in hospital .
14 J. R. R. Tolkien ( 1892–1973 ) , a Catholic by upbringing , wrote in praise of the remembered virtues of the British Tommy in the trenches during the First World War , and the enormous and highly improbable success of The Lord of the Rings ( 1954–5 ) , for all that it began as a cult in the United States rather than at home , struck a chord that was ultimately insular , tribal and boldly British .
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