Example sentences of "all that [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 First , it emphasizes the extent to which the Oxford Polytechnic Modular Course was created de novo , with all that that entailed for the enthusiasm of colleagues and the mystification of outsiders .
2 I often say that if we thought as much about the English language and teaching it and all that that means as the French do about their language and the Alliance Francaise , we would back the British Council to the hilt .
3 I went from a er boy 's school and all that that implied at the time in England , strict discipline , uniforms , that sort of thing , to er High School , a mixed High School in Ohio where the atmosphere was totally different , much more relaxed , much more friendly .
4 The finished text will , in appearance , be of a professional standard with all that that implies for the child 's image of him or herself as a writer .
5 Yet it illustrates once more how throughout his reign , in spite of his personal adherence to so many of the attitudes and ideas of the Enlightenment , he was turning Prussia 's energies and attention to the East , with all that this implied for the future .
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