Example sentences of "all the [adj] [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What a waste of all the good work that has been done in India !
2 ‘ It was a way of giving thanks to all the good things that had happened , like the album and the fact that , even though I see Cam every day .
3 Thus the expedition is neatly manipulated to include many of the requirements of the national curriculum : ‘ We are very keen to make sure that we do n't lose all the good things that have been going on in schools , ’ she says .
4 THIS ALBUM 'S predecessor , ‘ The Psychedelic Years ’ , was possibly the best compilation album ever , in the sense that it contained the best songs by the best bands in its field of reference ; in fact , it seemed to have all the good songs that came out of psychedelia ( It also had The Incredible String Band , but presumably only as a sorbet to clear the palate .
5 ‘ Scientific ’ tests for cognition can be conducted not on social groups and individuals as such , with all the political implications that involves , but on a newly constructed , asocial category of ‘ literates ’ and ‘ non-literates ’ , as though the culture they belonged to were incidental .
6 The post-war trend in evening papers , then , was a clear-cut elimination of towns with more than one locally based paper ; the establishment of papers in perhaps 20 towns that did not have them in 1945 ; and the survival of all the existing papers that faced no home town competition as early as 1945 .
7 What differentiates them are all the extra functions that have been bolted on , and this is what I 'll be concentrating on in this review .
8 With its spectacular sunrises , fresh mountain air and inspiring tranquillity , early morning is the perfect time of day to explore all the outdoor pursuits that abound in Royal Deeside …
9 Of all the roles she had played in the theatre , of all the great works that had come her way , she was fated to be remembered mostly for how she pronounced the rhetorical question , ‘ A hand-bag ? ’
10 Even the grass makes more grass , and all the small things that live in the grass reproduce their kind , until summer is over .
11 At a turn of the clockwork motor of the bulky camera , Leavitt had proclaimed that this submission to the seasons , to the rains , to the predations of lions , to the pasturing of cattle and all the placatory rituals that went with it , was unnecessary .
12 Always consider all the possible crimes that have been committed , by all possible persons , and all the possible defences open to them .
13 Nearly all the undesirable changes that go on in food after it is harvested make it less pleasant , or decidedly horrible , to eat .
14 Statistics show that typically it only accounts for two per cent of all the verbal behaviours that take place in a conversation .
15 past all the new houses that have been built , past the playing fields
16 The sorry tales of sodomy and mutiny , of yard-arm justice and abrupt changes of command , and all the other trials that attended the Armada on its path south and west across the Atlantic , do not belong here .
17 And , you 've got your working day to keep you busy and all the other things that keep you
18 She confirmed to McIllvanney that the weather-fax machine and the Loran and the Satnav and the radar and all the other things that hummed and winked and glowed in the night were working properly .
19 And there 's no relationship at all between those projects and any other part of the system in terms of , costings and all the other things that happen , and the project review will happen on the monthly data collection and not on individual projects .
20 They stowed Tal behind their seats , with her bag and all the other stuff that had accumulated there .
21 Thanks also to all the other organizations that helped , the Vale of White Horse District Council who allowed us to use their land , the National Rivers Authority for the use of the river , Thames Water for the use of their island and for generous sponsorship , an extra special thanks to Roger Steer , the lock keeper , for much help , kindness and understanding and to his wife for providing a seemingly endless supply of ice-cream , to Jim Croft of Slalom Sports for unfailing help and loan of computer hardware and to our local Scouts for looking after the campsite and for organizing effective first-aid cover .
22 They do n't know a great deal at the moment about competitive strategies , marketing strategies , organisational analysis and all the other issues that keep chief executives awake at night . ’
23 Not to mention all the other expenses that arise just when you can least cope .
24 That w that is exactly at twenty five , and that is allowing a doubling of the housing area to allow for all the other features that come within the new settlement .
25 This kind of no-strings-attached use of sex seems to combine the best of both worlds , leaving a woman free to pursue her career and a man unshackled by the commitments of a heavy mortgage and all the other responsibilities that go with a family .
26 He wrote that ‘ all the activity on the beach had a great fascination for me — the nets hanging out to dry , people mending them , various types standing round watching , all the usual incidents that happen in a fishing village .
27 And Hilary had dash , and style , and good looks — all the usual things that make a schoolboy hero .
28 That 's why people invent gods , even vicious , vengeful ones , to account for all the awful things that happen . ’
29 This is the second year in the life of this photo diary and all the painstaking work that went into launching the publication appears to be appreciated .
30 This enormous gift that , despite all the trying things that went with it , Phoebe had received ; this capacity to look at a thing and know that , because it must be done , it is the doing of it that brings freedom and salvation .
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