Example sentences of "all [det] [modal v] be [vb pp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled ; soon all that would be left was an out-of-order passport-photo-booth , mouldering on an empty station platform .
2 All that would be required is a change in practice .
3 All that may be written is one short story , the final one of the genre , the cork in the bottle .
4 All that may be needed is a classification of machines and a measurement of time spent on each machine by each product .
5 Like all long-term coughers he had developed a noise-reducing technique , and all that could be heard was a chuck-chuck-chuck sound that would go on for long minutes at a time , gradually winding down like a clockwork drummer until every scrap of air was squeezed out of his poor concrete lungs .
6 After what seemed an age all that could be heard were little hiccups .
7 All that could be done was to work by analogy .
8 In front of the refrigerator lay the shape of a man , but all that could be seen were the backs of the calves , and the pale , poignant soles of a pair of bare feet .
9 Of the baby all that could be seen were two stiff arms poking up out of a manger well supplied with bright yellow straw .
10 All that could be said was that the judges and staff of the court would continue to do all in their power to reduce costs and lead times in the disposal of appellant business .
11 So , it was in the ordinary conduct of party politics by men in pursuit of power that expectations , aspirations and objectives were reduced to an apparent simplicity , to a crudity of choice for which all that could be said was that it represented the national will .
12 There were exceptions , recognised by the statute and the courts , but this was not such a case ; all that could be said was that economic damage , perhaps very severe , might be done to the defendant if publicity were not withheld .
13 Three rusted iron wheels remain at the site , but otherwise all that can be seen are foundations and watercourses .
14 In truth , all that can be said is that , in both the Free Presbyterian Church and in the UPV , there were a small number of people ( none of whom were figures of any stature in the Church ) who were prepared to abet others in the commission of crimes to further the aims which the vast majority of people in the Church and UPV wished to see promoted by less violent means .
15 All that can be said is that Labour has lost elections in the past when the press was more favourable than it now is .
16 The decor was inclusive in the rent and all that can be said was that the decor was expensive .
17 All that can be done is to point to the factors that the courts commonly take into account when calculating the multiplier .
18 Of such undertakings all that can be predicated is that some breaches will and others will not , give rise to an event which will deprive the party not in default of substantially the whole benefit which it was intended that he should obtain from the contract ; and the legal consequences of a breach of such an undertaking , unless provided for expressly in the contract , depend upon the nature of the event to which the breach gives rise and do not follow automatically from a prior classification of the undertaking as a " condition " or a " warranty " .
19 All that should be done is that , if that improbable and unlikely event ever takes place , the courts should decline to enforce the clause .
20 For the present , all that need be noticed is that the purpose of Alexander 's letter was to convey a distinct papal command to Lanfranc that the monastic community in his cathedral church was to be preserved .
21 If the degree of rotation was very small , so that for each dot the nearest neighbour is its own image , this would not be surprising : all that need be done is to draw imaginary lines between all pairs of nearest neighbours , and those lines will circle the centre of rotation .
22 All that need be proved is that the matter is of a certain type and the manner of presentation patently offensive .
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