Example sentences of "all [art] [noun] she [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was all the whisky she 'd had .
2 Everything that has happened to her over the past year has been genuine , from breaking her thumb to the operation , not to mention all the hassle she has had from standing by her father .
3 She smiled gently at him , letting him see all the love she had kept hidden from him before .
4 All the knowledge she had came from her lessons in the village school , which she had left a year or two earlier .
5 All the friends she had made at school were now married .
6 She looked back over her three years at college , now slowly approaching their close , and she thought of all the people she had known and all the friends she had made , and it seemed to her that most of them had been aiming with varying degrees of accuracy at just such an effect .
7 Rourke was to blame for all the horrors she had to contend with .
8 All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen .
9 Jessamy remembered all the times she had seen him look like that in the past , when he had n't wanted her to know what he was thinking or feeling .
10 She promised Louis all the money she had earned , and asked him to go to his cousin who would contact the SOE reseau .
11 Agnes duly went into labour about lunch-time one hot still day , pouring sweat and Omming to herself while my father boiled lots of water and things and Mrs Clamp dabbed Agnes 's brow and like as not told her of all the women she 'd known who had died in childbirth .
12 When William had gone , she thought of all the things she had planned to do as soon as she had a little time to herself .
13 The memory of all the things she had said to him came back to her and she was suddenly scared .
14 She leant down and started to lick out his ear , bit his lobes , started to tell him of all the things she had done with other men .
15 She heard words like ‘ impulsive ’ , ‘ trusting ’ , ‘ hot-tempered ’ being mentioned , and she slotted the adjectives into her own life , thinking back to all the things she had done in the past which conformed with the personality being dissected by the astrologer .
16 Of all the things she had expected from life , the events of the last twenty-four hours had not been remotely near them .
17 That first fierce kiss had told Robbie all the things she had tried to hide from herself .
18 Where were all the resolutions she had spent most of the night making ?
19 She did n't need to turn round to know he was standing there , and it took all the will-power she possessed to finish the task she was working on , knowing he was just a few feet away .
20 ‘ I do n't see why you ca n't come to me until your dream man comes along , ’ he said , and she wanted to hit him , all the sympathy she had felt drowning in his sarcasm .
21 And the amount of help you get the day before your exams -the same morning I turned round to Hilary after all the work she 'd done with me and said , " I 'm going to fail , I 'm not doing it . "
22 Di wrote to her after the ceremony thanking her for all the work she had done for fellow cancer sufferers and for raising £40,000 towards the centre .
23 She had known as soon as they had arrived at the lodge that her heart had made the right decision , even though it felt irresponsible and utterly childish to be spending a summer like this , at her age , and after all the work she had done to put the initials MD after her name .
24 With all the work she had to do my mother could not do a sloppy job .
25 I would like to thank Miss Freda Scott , Voluntary Services Organiser , for all the work she has done to promote my books , and I look forward to resuming concerts at Ruchill Hospital and elsewhere .
26 The Committee is very grateful to its Secretary , , not only for all the work she has done for the committee but also for her work for ethnic minority students seeking pupillage .
27 And we in turn thank her , for all the work she has done for the Society .
28 It would take all the poise she possessed to spend the evening with Fen , on their new footing as ‘ friends ’ , without revealing her true feelings for him .
29 It needed all the pride she possessed to turn to him a moment later , ashen-faced but in control .
30 Of all the nurses she had known only Minnie Robinson had remained loved and revered and even now , when she was old and pensioned off , Miss Arabel visited her faithfully and turned to her in complete trust for advice and comfort .
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