Example sentences of "there [modal v] [adv] be [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There may even be unjustified assumptions about the rationality of human behaviour .
2 There may also be inter-professional tensions , as well as intra-professional ones , for example in the case of primary health care teams .
3 Such consultations , together with the decrease in publication delays , will lead to a reduction of the latency period , because there is now a higher probability that the thesis , or papers derived from it , will be read and subsequently cited , but there may also be other factors involved .
4 In addition to the landlord 's approvals there may also be other consents ( from superior landlords or mortgagees , for example ) or covenants to be complied with in carrying out the works .
5 I have chosen to give details only of those of whose standards and courses I have personal knowledge , but I would emphasize that there may also be other places which are also of a very high standard .
6 However , there may also be other features commonly found on other medieval sites , and there may occasionally be buildings .
7 There may also be other costs if , for example , the qualification message adds to rather than reduces uncertainty or if the market misinterprets the message .
8 There may also be subjective assessments of activities , such as how far they were ‘ routine ’ , or ‘ pleasurable ’ , or how far the respondent would like to do them more or less often …
9 It is worth repeating that there may also be competing goals within the organisation itself .
10 There may also be shared sites which would have to be divided , or where one party would have to be given a licence or lease by the other .
11 There may also be national differences in literature use .
12 There may also be educational applications , perhaps for teaching children to write .
13 There may also be bright rays , roughly resembling the spokes of a wheel radiating from the crater ‘ hub ’ .
14 There may also be gymnastic balls of various sizes : these are like beach balls , but are made of extra strong plastic .
15 It is equally convincing that although the level of unemployment may have an effect on price inflation , there may well be other factors of greater short-term impact , for example , the incorporation of previous price increases into current wage bargaining , regardless of the level of unemployment .
16 There may well be other areas of trading among older people where codes of practice can usefully be developed .
17 There may well be other barriers causing problems — I 'll ask ‘ Spokes ’ to get cyclists to report in .
18 There may well be other patterns of simplification besides these , and one of these seems to be the merger of classes that were previously distinct .
19 Although most downpipes are fixed vertically , there may well be other arrangements , including downpipes angled across the wall and , possibly , discharging into a hopper head .
20 There may well be other regions of the universe , or other universes ( whatever that may mean ) , in which all the dimensions are curled up small or in which more than four dimensions are nearly flat , but there would be no intelligent beings in such regions to observe the different number of effective dimensions .
21 Accepting your qualifications , Trev , that erm there may well be good reasons for these , there is there is a very strong message there is n't there ?
22 There may well be long stretches of time in which no ‘ progress ’ in the arms race , and perhaps no evolutionary change at all , takes place .
23 Doubts about the adequacy of the total transfer to social services departments have already been expressed , and it is becoming clear that there may well be insufficient resources for some client groups .
24 However , the lead actions are not strictly test cases , and while there is a reasonable prospect that the above aspiration will be fulfilled , there may well be individual issues arising in some of the other cases which will in any event need to be litigated , eg. , an individual local authority defendant 's particular case on change of position giving rise to an estoppel .
25 At such a time , it is good to remember that if the new church is to take territory for Jesus there may well be spiritual forces with whom you are on collision course .
26 These are similar to flow process charts except that no standard symbols are used , the chart is simply a list of the actions the operator takes but there may well be additional columns referring to the events which occur and the consequent information which appears .
27 In most LEAs the education committee is composed of various sub-committees : usually one for finance , at least one for schools ( in larger authorities there may well be separate ones for primary , secondary and special schools ) , at least one for further education ( which may be subdivided into youth and community work , adult education and recreation ) , and one each for careers , libraries and museums , and sites and buildings .
28 There may well be new instabilities .
29 There may well be new instabilities .
30 There may well be long-term effects which will be felt in any subsequent attempt to float such a project .
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