Example sentences of "if he had [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There he stood leaning against it , his arms outspread , one cheek pressed on to the black wood , with his breath coming in gasps , as if he had just surfaced from drowning .
2 He was gazing forwards and he looked as if he had just stepped on a drawing-pin .
3 There was , anyway , an atmosphere in this shop , an unpleasant feeling , as if he had just walked through a gateway into a world parallel to our own , where huge and unpleasant moral choices are offered , fought over and discussed .
4 She had declared that Edwin must henceforward run the Ashwell estates , as if he had already come into his inheritance .
5 If he had ever existed outside her overheated imagination .
6 Whether he would have been able to stick to it if he had ever risen to be national leader of the Liberal Party is not certain .
7 Durkheim belonged to that contemplative school of armchair theorists epitomized by Sir James Frazer , who is supposed to have solemnly replied ‘ God forbid ! ’ to the innocent questioner who asked if he had ever lived amongst ‘ savages ’ .
8 Yet , when I was seven years old , I should have thought him a very silly little boy indeed not to have understood about metaphorically speaking , even if he had never heard of it , and it does seem that what he possessed in the way of scientific approach he lacked in common sense .
9 She had been instrumental in putting him in touch with Liza although , as things had turned out , he could not help thinking that it might have been better if he had never bumped into her that day in Piccadilly .
10 ARAZI returned to the racecourse as if he had never left at Saint-Cloud yesterday , cruising home by five lengths in the Prix Omnium II .
11 The newsreader would have achieved the same effect if he had suddenly broke into song .
12 Just as they approached the doors , he stopped as if he had suddenly come to a decision .
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