Example sentences of "their [noun sg] [coord] [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The last four lines of Kubla Khan are a dazzling testament to the power of the poet to address the most fundamental and intangible aspects of our lives , to retrieve the most powerful secrets of our existence from the depths of the subconscious and ultimately to convey their force and meaning to those willing to receive them .
2 First of all there 's personal interest , secondly there 's class interest thirdly there 's rather amusingly some mean feeling in his own mind , so he has the idea that people might just be rather grumpy or something when they 're going to cast their , their vote and go to some rather destructive policy .
3 When this innovation is introduced to its tennis shoes , probably in 1994 , it will , claim Reebok , significantly enhance the performance of the wearer , by allowing him or her to adjust , by inflation of the mid sole , the cushioning in the forefront or heel to suit their weight and to adapt to different playing surfaces .
4 Can maths teachers be entrusted with drawing inferences , trends etc. from significant data , or must they automatically stick to anodyne data which will offend no one but will automatically remove true significance from their work and lead to many students being bereft of motivation ?
5 A non-exclusive list of examples of such abuses is provided : ( a ) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions ; ( b ) limiting production , markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers ; ( c ) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties , thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage ; ( d ) making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which , by their nature or according to commercial usage , have no connection with the subject of such contracts .
6 We sometimes saw elderly people stopping to catch their breath and calling to those descending ‘ Is it far ? ’
7 Financial security will help the athletes to focus on their performance and lead to better results . ’
8 It is suggested that views diverge on the central question of the rights of parents to custody and control of their children in relation to the right of the state ( acting through courts and social work agencies ) to intervene in the parent-child relationship , to remove children from their parents , to allocate their care and control to other parties , and to determine their subsequent upbringing .
9 Sections 13 , 14 and 15 of SGA 1979 include four major implied conditions which relate to conformity with description , and in a supply transaction in the course of a business the goods are merchantable and are fit for their purpose and conform to any sample provided .
10 Once it becomes clear that recovery is likely , it may , for instance , lead a person to re-examine their lifestyle and come to positive decisions about how they would like to improve it and make more of its good features .
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