Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ours were , in general , rather less well qualified than students in the established departments , but their attainments were in every way comparable .
2 Just when their creditors were on the point of issuing writs the Tecks left England for the continent , insolvent and heavily in debt .
3 Their debts were on the verge of managing them .
4 As they walked along , their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge .
5 Their eyes were on the Miracle-Worker , the Angel Gabriel , perched in motionless splendour on a silver-gilded cloud , his hair awash with sunlight and his magical face worn like a mask that concealed some greater magic .
6 As they walked along , their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge .
7 And that they let those beliefs shape their lives — as if their lives were of no account . ’
8 If the ownership of rivers and lakes were as well de fined as houses and factories , then the law of tort and contract would ensure that their owners were in a position to take legal action against any company which pumped effluent into them .
9 Their guns were on the table by their hands , out of Tug 's reach , and from both of them came a feeling of expectant tension .
10 Respect for their seniors was near the top of the list … however high or humble they might be .
11 That although you know , erm interviewing eve if if not everybody on the flats , as many people as possible , as to what their feelings were about the flats and so on , to actually ca done all that , and involved them erm in the erm What has resulted is , the flats being vacated .
12 Christopher Pitchford , QC , prosecuting , told the jury : ‘ Whatever their feelings were on the home of an elderly woman being broken into by a gang of drug-crazed teenagers , it did not give anyone the excuse to take the law into their own hands . ’
13 The Daily Telegraph , 4 March 1979 , notes a case where transvestites who hooked dresses through letter boxes pleaded guilty to burglary in a magistrates ' court , even though no part of their bodies was through the letter boxes .
14 And I looked upon the earth and saw a dish set , and workmen lying by it , and their hands were in the dish : and they that were chewing chewed not , and they that were lifting the food lifted it not , and they that put it to their mouth put it not thereto , but the faces of all of them were looking upward .
15 Secondly , even when some paths did have to be pursued in parallel because their scores were above the threshold , the finite-state arrangement of hypotheses restricted the candidates for any particular slot , and cut short the combinatorics through backwards pruning ( Fig. 9.2 , point A ) .
16 When Florence of Worcester draws elements of his account of the battle of Assandun in 1016 from Sallust he is revealing quite a lot about the classical interests of twelfth-century historians , but also raising doubts about his own reliability , and William of Malmesbury , whose methods so often find favour with modern scholars , nevertheless records miracle stories which his critical faculties ought to have led him to doubt , and perhaps did ; and like historians of all periods , William , Florence and their colleagues were at the mercy of the bias and inadequacy of their sources , as well as their own prejudices and errors .
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