Example sentences of "their [adj] [noun sg] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Their restraint was mainly due to their feeling of strangeness — it was unique for them to be sharing the seats with the men , their usual place being in the high gallery around the side-walls .
2 The amnesty welcomed students to return to China " no matter what their political attitude was in the past " , and said that there would be no investigation into " wrong things " they had said or committed abroad .
3 Articulate women , anxious to lead purposeful lives , found it impossible to dismiss the idea , supported as it was by scientific theories of sexual difference , that their proper place was in the home .
4 Words have descriptive meaning insofar as their causal connection is with the psychological states known as beliefs , and emotive meaning insofar as their causal connection is primarily with attitudes .
5 Their visual acuity was in the normal range for 11–15 month infants ( 8–12cycledeg -1 , tested by preferential looking ) .
6 Prisoners being trained in woodwork explained that their major frustration was with the shortage of tools and materials .
7 They chose the second option , because their prime concern was for the safety of the international financial system .
8 Their primary emphasis was on the development of large-scale commercial agriculture — either through large , corporate-owned estates ( as with oil palm in Zaire , coffee , and bananas in Cameroun , and cotton in Sudan ) , through individual settlers ( as in Kenya , Zimbabwe and Zambia ) , or through both ( as in Tanzania and Cameroun ) .
9 Although their primary use is in the training market their simplicity and small size makes them ideal as a travelling presentation unit .
10 But they now had a great advantage because they knew that their viral DNA was in the gene and so they could use this knowledge to fish out the gene that clearly plays some role in limb development .
11 ‘ Always assuming , Colonel , that their prospective target was in the hotel .
12 Their new home is in the Willows housing estate , Kilmarnock .
13 These scouting expeditions are highly effective in raising the tension among the passengers , but their main purpose is for the boatmen to gauge the water level .
14 Their main worry is behind the scrum , where centre Neil Boobyer and wing Wayne Proctor are with the Welsh team , while Simon Davies another centre and Ian Jones , a utility player , are injured .
15 Just as their main interest was in the ways of life of people as seen by the people themselves , so they tried to get a sense of the past into their work by using life-histories .
16 Their short-sighted view is at the root of the problem . ’
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