Example sentences of "if they be [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , you know how people like to be together , even if they 're pretending to be in the wild , so I was thinking of groupings of four to six cabins per lot . ’
2 But if they 're going to be with me , they know they 're going to get the spray . ’
3 They hate the way all their songs end with a huge clang of guitars , the way they holler things like ‘ Viva Boys Wonder ! ’ s if they 're going to be around forever .
4 They hate the way all their songs end with a huge clang of guitars , the way they holler things like ‘ Viva Boys Wonder ! ’ s if they 're going to be around forever .
5 I 'm not against pamphlets if they 're going to be lines in communication .
6 It 's just an excuse if they 're going to be put off voting for me because I 'm only 21 ; they would n't have done anyway . ’
7 erm How does one in any case fine a motorist who is n't standing by his car or sitting in it ? erm I would , if the question is shall we try it , if that is implied , I would say it 's worth trying in a very moderate way , it may require the police and the police representatives so to speak , the wardens if they 're going to be empowered to do this kind of thing , I think it 's going to force them to become very , very diplomatic and civilized in the way they handle it , but we of course too will have to learn to respond in a civilized manner .
8 We 're not going to get it by resurrecting the stadia that we 've got at the moment ; new ones have to be built , and if they 're going to be built in the high population areas , you know , then I think it 's realistic for the clubs in that particular area to share .
9 If they 're gon na be that type of band , they 're not gon na be , thinking as how they pronounce a sentence .
10 If they 're gon na be driving from village to village , they might as well work from a police station and drive from village to village in a transit van or a police vehicle .
11 It 's not likely to be over well actually I do n't we do n't know if they 're gon na be building there .
12 Yeah , cos er , I think Neil was telling you that , they look as if they 're gon na be buying plenty of gas off us if we , when we start taking the air products .
13 If they 're gon na be anywhere , they 're gon na be around here .
14 Now what we 're on about yeah as I were on about , that er what I do is , with days like this , cos you can never guarantee if they 're gon na be dry , wet or what , so I watch to see if it rains , if it do n't they 're virtually dry when I fetch them in .
15 You know the two way interviews , I do n't know if they 're gon na be simultaneous
16 Going on again on the tenant farmers , I actually think that er we are very good landlords and I think our our our tenants would rather us keep us as landlords than the private sector , in actual fact we will have no doubt a debate quite soon on that issue when the government makes us sell off all areas of of er th our interests and that one , I will tell you this , I think that some of the members all sides of the fence every side of the fence , have been passionately behind the tenants , if if they 're gon na be sold off by now they 'd have been sold off , but I think it wo n't be far long before we have to take education first , social services first , the elderly before er your side with your government to come forward and say to us we do n't want you interfering with anything like that and being bold business , get rid of , but that 's another debate that will come up later on .
17 Well I wonder if they 're gon na be on tomorrow ?
18 It 's fine if they 're proved to be guilty , otherwise it 's police harassment .
19 Such thoughts should help them to understand how attitudes , right or wrong , can persist unchanged for endless generations if they are taught to be dictated by unassailable imaginary ‘ gods ’ who are never ‘ wrong ’ .
20 They are more likely to do this if they are seen to be making a direct and positive contribution to the school 's consultative and decision-making processes , rather than observing from a distance in a way that underlines the ‘ us-them ’ relationship .
21 Both brushes and foam can also take on a partial biofiltering role , but if they are intended to be a mechanical filter , they should be cleaned before they clog .
22 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
23 Food premises will have to be registered so that they may be inspected and action taken if they are considered to be a health risk .
24 Whilst showing proper reluctance to enforce these convenants , the courts will , however , do so if they are shown to be reasonable …
25 Nor is there any reason to think that claims based on private law rights will not sometimes hold up public programmes if they are allowed to be brought after the short time-limit in Order 53 ; or that claims based on public law rights will necessarily cause trouble if brought after that time limit has expired .
26 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
27 If they have an appointment with somebody they try and turn up on time or if they are going to be late , they ring up and apologise .
28 Other seed baits I have used successfully on the Severn are tares and maple peas , but I have not used the latter two very often and do not yet know if they are going to be consistently successful .
29 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
30 They see it as something that they , as the caring agencies , must be involved in if they are going to be doing a good professional job .
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