Example sentences of "if they [vb base] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Should any of your readers wish to join their local society , I will gladly forward details , wherever possible , of their local society with a contact name , address and meeting place if they wish to write to me , enclosing an SAE .
2 But sometimes parents still can not accept their daughter 's sexuality , especially if they return to live in their parents ' home .
3 If they come looking for us with tusk and fang you 'd better be ready with that Winchester peashooter of yours . "
4 Really , what we needed to do was to read through make sure that it was covered adequately but on the other hand , if they 've come across something twice and not if i , if it was in brackets I did n't count it , did you do
5 That 's the way you find out if they 've slept with somebody , ask them if they 're on the Pill .
6 It is helpful for them to recognize that if they intend to carry through what they say , they may need to reduce the number of demands that they make on the child .
7 Warn them too that the defendant will only have to release their report if they intend to rely upon it and that therefore they may never see the report .
8 While it remains ( in theory at least ) the prerogative of each agency to decide whether to co-operate with the overall plan , they are at least expected to notify the key worker if they intend to deviate from what has been agreed .
9 UNIVERSITY lecturers are being told by their union to inform colleagues if they get over-involved with their students .
10 He says although it is a small haul if they keep going at it they will get results .
11 If they do come at us , I 'd rather face 'em out in the open .
12 If they start to fall beneath their percentile band then they are not growing or gaining weight at the expected rate and it is important to try to determine why this is happening .
13 If they want to talk to me they come here , ’ says Roger Boyes , executive director of the Leeds Permanent Building Society , delivering a northerner 's ultimate boast .
14 If they want to cash in their plan , any units they 've got allocated to their fund , they get the bid price .
15 They are also likely to be the most difficult , independent , bad-tempered , and stubborn ; but if they want to work for you they have the strength of character to extend themselves to their utmost limits , and further than other horses .
16 Well they could address their letters to myself Councillor David Poole or Councillor Stuart Argyle to the Council House erm the suggestion you know er their the thoughts the thoughts on this what er they could er erm help us in our campaign and also about the leaf stem as well if they want to write to me at the Council House suggesting and I mean proper places to where it should go because that 's really up to County Council but er at least if I had some suggestions we can pass them over to the County Council where where it could go .
17 Readers will work hard at a text if they need to know something about their favourite football player or team , if they want to know about their favourite singer or group , if they want information for a project that really interests them , or if they need information a make something or improve their performance in some way .
18 Public relations people quickly learn to develop expertise in press relations if they want to stay in their jobs .
19 Parishioners say if they want to speak to him they have to do so at the gate .
20 One or two of his colleagues may know something of his patch if they have covered for him when he was unavailable , or if they have previously worked it before being transferred elsewhere .
21 They demand more resources for the school in their areas : they complain vociferously if they have to wait for their operations ; they demand that the state intervene to subsidise the price of the rail tickets from their commuter homes to their work .
22 If they have to turn to their neighbour and ask for a repetition of what you just said , the resulting muttering will also prevent other members of the audience from hearing what you say next .
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