Example sentences of "if it [is] [adv] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 When the non-school element of education and training after 16 is , in 1993 , placed in a different part of the education system — even if it is only different for the purpose of separate funding — care will have to be taken not to lose the benefit of previous links .
2 The Chalice can be empty if it is too difficult for friends to carry with wine in it .
3 On 4 June , the day the Dunkirk evacuation ended , he wrote to the Chiefs of Staff : ‘ if it is so easy for the Germans to invade us … why should it be … impossible for us to do anything of the same kind to him ? ’
4 If it is so necessary for us to opt one way or the other , is it perhaps that here too Christianity has caused a split in human nature of which the people of harmony knew nothing ? "
5 Conversely , of course , the TGI -based material described above can be justifiably regarded as inadequately precise from the creative planning point of view , even if it is extremely helpful for media planners .
6 I 'm wondering if , if it 's too acid for a good crop of potatoes without liming .
7 If it 's too long for you , just let me know and I 'll find something shorter and a bit easier . ’
8 Such sayings as , ‘ If it 's too late for sherry and too early for the port , ring for the madeira ’ and ‘ Have some madeira , m'dear ’ are well known .
9 ‘ And if it 's too dangerous for me , then it 's too dangerous for you .
10 It 's as if it 's too powerful for choreographers to cope with .
11 If it 's too painful for her to accept that I want to look for Elaine , then I sha n't . ’
12 The other is to take stock of the overall situation ; if it 's doubly difficult for a black person , then a redoubling of effort and determination and perseverance is necessary .
13 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
14 In a personal attack on Mr Kinnock — a prime target for the Conservative counter-offensive — she added : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ? ’
15 If it 's so easy for Rain Morgan of the Daily Post to get at the truth , it 's a secret which ca n't be kept . ’
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