Example sentences of "if [pers pn] can [be] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you want the exact quantities , buy my book , ’ he said at one point , one eye in the direction of the BBC publicity department , before adding , as the other swivelled down towards his drink , ‘ if I can be bothered to write it . ’
2 Using Egan 's approach to problem management described above , Sally 's case may be used to demonstrate that she will benefit more if she can be helped to focus on what are , in her opinion , the most pressing problems .
3 Come , let's see if you can be made to speak again .
4 So they gave me minute instructions ( enclosed , along with the much-travelled draft , in the foreign-desk-clerk 's handwriting ) about what you should say to them if you can be persuaded to try them again .
5 And if you can be bothered staying up for this , it will take you through to 6am tomorrow .
6 Thus , even where the immediate constraints impose tight restrictions on behaviour the group can still be effective if they can be motivated to work together to achieve their objectives .
7 Few accusations , if they can be made to stick , are more damaging in the context of Northern Irish politics where leftism has traditionally been associated with nationalism .
8 As well as their daily pint of fresh milk taken in one form or another , if they can be encouraged to cook themselves some fresh green and root vegetables several times a week , so much the better , but these menus are designed primarily for old people who dislike spending much time on the preparation of their food and are unlikely to be persuaded past a certain point of effort .
9 If they can be encouraged to come back , I think it'sa of great significant and symbolic importance .
10 The dykes are the last stronghold for plants and must be cleaned up if they can be expected to re-colonize the Broads in the future .
11 Customer objections can be more easily overcome if they can be persuaded to take part in the demonstration process .
12 In Japan the government tends to see academics as a useful way of influencing public opinion : how handy if they can be persuaded to open public discussion of a policy change the politicians want to make .
13 Repairs take time and money to carry out , and if they can be avoided gliding will be less expensive in the future .
14 In these respects , the EC has taken a very proactive role , guided by the importance of the single market which can not effectively exist if intellectual property rights vary from one Member State to another or if they can be used to restrict the free movement of goods .
15 If it can be made to work — and time will show whether it can become a reality — that may be the moment to return to subjects such as political and economic union and the benefits of a different defence structure .
16 This is spectulative but not entirely fictional ; if it can be made to work by a combination of genetic and cellular engineering , it has amazing potential in gastroenterology .
17 If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature , it is the blind watchmaker .
18 The better view ( both for the logic of the law and for press freedom ) is that the expression of opinion may still be defended as " fair comment " if it can be shown to satisfy the test of whether a hypothetical fair-minded man could honestly express the opinion on the proven facts .
19 At least the locked door designed to keep him in also keeps his enemies out , if he can be said to have any enemies .
20 The scale of the problems will be different , but a chap who can run ICI , if he can be bothered to help a small business , will do it very well from his experience .
21 If he can be persuaded to keep religion out of politics , he could prove an inspired choice .
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