Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'll just er I 'll just well if I go and get the sort of the tea things ready , the party tea can you put Christopher his erm Thunderbirds tracksuit back on ?
2 he s it was only about eight o'clock or something and he said will they be there yet , will they be there if I go and have a pint with them ?
3 that was the first time we had an inkling there was anything , and that was the Sunday before we moved and he said do you mind if I come and bring the shed up and then I can stop in there and I go and have , a , anyway , he came with Alan and she made you a cup of coffee did n't she ?
4 If I stop and get the pupils discussing , or investigating , I will lose valuable time , and some topic will be missed .
5 Yeah , but that 's , just one , I mean I 'm not gon na record , if I try and record the whole of the course
6 If I went and had a meal in the evening a la carte , how would you envisage it would take to go through that ?
7 I hypothesise that if I move and turn the lamp in a particular way I will get the result I want .
8 If I scraped and pinched a bit , I might manage .
9 So you could you could replace the blind if you redecorated and changed the colour
10 It helps if you know and use the correct names for each of the different shot sizes .
11 And if you went and bought the essential oil you could buy
12 Can you tell me erm how that applies , say if you went and bought an i article of clothing from a market stall
13 You are then guaranteed that if you register and receive the full packaged software it will work on your machine and with your printer .
14 If you relax and allow the images to unfold in your imagination , in nine cases out of ten you will be able to retrace events in your mind and remember what you did with the missing object .
15 Well if you go and pick the bones up .
16 It does n't multiload presentation screens , but it does force you to reload Level One even if you died on it , and automatically restarts when loading is complete — if you go and make a cup of tea between levels , chances are you 'll be greeted with a ‘ game over ’ message when you return !
17 He said well if you go and make the he said any time between now and Christmas , you 'll have to come and have a meal on the house , I thought I 'm bloody sure I will !
18 And if you go and have a look at the tables , you find that Abbey Life actually makes your money grow faster than a lot of other insurance companies .
19 If you go and have a look and see how many people are in there .
20 If you go and buy a a T V for a hundred and fifty pounds they 'd say thank you , a hundred and fifty pounds , plus VAT at a hundred per cent is another hundred and fifty to go to the government
21 I think if you go and buy a secondhand car erm it 's often a big investment , two , three , four , five thousand pounds or even more .
22 If you try and arrange a meeting with a colleague or even a group of colleagues and he or they have already booked the time slot you want , you get to know about it before it 's too late .
23 Remember , however , that because those stimulants are addictive , if your consumption has been particularly high you are likely to suffer withdrawal symptoms ( headaches , lethargy and so on ) if you try and cut the stimulants out completely in one fell swoop .
24 Er generally if you try and differentiate a function which is n't continuous ,
25 If you try and do the inverse function ,
26 And I 'm afraid there is no way you can you , if you try and force the caf to be more a sort of caf that people who come to the cinema will patronize then it will not make a profit in my view .
27 It only works if you realise that your own extension number is going to be vacant at the time , if somebody 's using it then it wo n't work , alright , so if you try and transfer a call , then you must make sure that the extension number you 're accessing is free .
28 If you try and interpret the public mood , you become a bit of a slave .
29 You know I mean if you try and grab the wind all you you 're left with is a clenched fist .
30 oh well if you come and stay the night she said I was only saying
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