Example sentences of "if [pron] had been [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
2 A petition organized by the Jewish people 's Council against Fascism and Anti-Semitism collected 77,000 signatures in two days ; it was felt that if there had been more time over a quarter of a million would have signed against Mosley 's proposed demonstration .
3 Things might have been different if there had been more consultation with industry people across the board .
4 If there had been less enthusiasm among the congregation for ufology , maybe they would have devised a public punishment for me .
5 Then , just when I was wondering if there had been some mistake , a man came up full of apologies , ‘ I 'm so sorry , ’ he said .
6 I mean , even if there had been some war I did believe worth fighting , if I 'd been called up or something , I 'm a coward , I 'm just not physically capable .
7 Endemic to that problem , even if there had been some certainty about previous spends , is the unpredictability about future trends : ten unforeseen multi-handicapped users can throw budgets completely out of kilter .
8 He had kept on and on about those keys , although she had been deaf to his insistence ; he had come several miles to catch her at home and seize a chance to rifle her bag for them ; if there had been any purpose to the meeting at the Old Mitre it might have been to get the keys .
9 If there had been any apprehension involving the time taken to complete the recording , there is certainly none reflected in the finished product .
10 If there had been any chance ever of the rescues ' succeeding , that perception would have destroyed it .
11 But if there had been any doubt in my mind it would have been immediately resolved by my first breath of the crisp , tangy air .
12 If there had been any money in the first place .
13 An important aim of the study was to see if there had been any growth in the use of temporary working in Britain in recent years .
14 Intriguing but unimportant differences were that the Earth spun much faster in those early days — so the days and nights were much shorter ; and the moon was much closer , so it would have appeared vast in the sky ( if there had been any creature to observe it ) and the tides would have been far more dramatic .
15 I pointed out that if there had been any counter demonstration effect would have been serious and very uncomfortable to both of us .
16 He expected Willie to ask if there had been any post but there was no response .
17 If there had been any danger from Quigley , it was headed off , once again , by Pikey , who dashed into a space by himself and , springing up and down like a goblin , started to shout , ‘ Hear the word of the Lord ! ’ at regular intervals .
18 At least , if there had been any dust it would have been sweeping it .
19 If it had been any priest other than Father Devlin he would have told him to go to hell and mind his own business .
20 What if it had been some lunatic who sounded like her , someone who had lured her here for a reason .
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