Example sentences of "if [pron] could [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , if nothing could ever be taken for granted , there would be large deadweight losses arising from bargaining and factionalism .
2 If we could actually be bothered to work it out , a vast number of strange people beat a path to our front doors in the course of a year .
3 Unfortunately all the evidence of the last 12 months suggests that while Gooch 's batting ability remains invaluable , England would do better under a more imaginative skipper , if one could only be found .
4 They clung to one another as if they could never be parted again .
5 Everyone enjoys going to the cinema and it would be nice if it could also be taken seriously .
6 And indeed , since social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture , it would be quite absurd if it could somehow be inferred from what social anthropologists teach that cultural diversity is both politically and morally deplorable .
7 Often a debilitated fish could be saved if it could just be persuaded to feed — perhaps such formulations have a role to play .
8 If it could still be shown that it remains an effective expression of democracy , that would indeed be a reason ; for any diminution of democracy is deplorable .
9 Why could a man 's voice in the night create an ache in a person so deep and so wide that it felt as if it could never be filled ?
10 Moreover , distinctions should be pointed out even though in the opinion of the student they are not material , if it could conceivably be argued that they are material : of course the student should express his own opinion that they are not material .
11 In spite of the clammy heat , shoppers began to hurry , but the rain which fell so readily when rainy days preceded it , now , after a fortnight 's drought , held off as if it could only be squeezed out as a result of some acute and agonising pressure .
12 He could not imagine finding tranquillity of soul in old age ; if he could only be allowed to mark time for a while all might yet be well , one might suddenly achieve equilibrium , certainty , serenity .
13 If he could ever be granted one wish in his life , he knew exactly what it would be .
14 If he could hardly be described as a democrat , he certainly helped establish the parliamentary control and party politics which paved the way for democracy .
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