Example sentences of "if [pron] have just [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " It 's as if I 'd just taken a photograph . "
2 Feeling as if I had just won a gold medal , I ran home , carefully examined my treasure to find that the ‘ bone ’ handle was only painted tin .
3 He looked as if someone had just hung a mop on his nose .
4 She felt as if she 'd just escaped a raging tornado , flung to one side just in time .
5 Marc made her feel as if she 'd just had a battle with a steamroller — but she was mildly pleased with herself .
6 She felt as guilty about running away as if she had just robbed a lame beggar of his last groat .
7 Sybil made a faint tutting noise and shuddered , as if she had just discovered an unpleasant insect on one of her flowers .
8 Nicolo had flung his head back ; he was laughing as if she had just told the world 's funniest joke .
9 Tina looked guilty , as if she had just betrayed a secret .
10 But what if she 's just had a tiny indiscretion , a few drinks with a work colleague that went too far , followed by tears and remorse and ‘ I swear to you it 'll never happen again , I love only you , darling ’ ?
11 ‘ Diana came off that plane in Korea as if she has just had a stand-up row with Charles , ’ the aide said .
12 But , anyway , if you had just killed a man and taken his pocket-book , would you quietly go through it there ?
13 Particularly if you had just had a row with your wife , and rather suspected that you were in the wrong .
14 How could something that felt so right make you look like this , as if you had just committed the worst crime in the world ?
15 If you 've just done a 12-mile ridge-walk then I 'm sure nothing will be further from your thoughts , but if you plan a weekend away with a person you 've fancied for ages and somehow end up heading for a bothy , unless you are totally alone any thought of a fumble in the sleeping-bag should be out of the question .
16 Yet it 's a theory without logic : if you 'd just had an Austin Utterly Dependable break down and fall to bits , would you really want another one ?
17 If you have just saved the document , the screen will clear .
18 If you have just missed a limitation period do not panic , get a second opinion , and keep your firm and your insurers informed .
19 As they straighten , curve the spine and pull in the tummy , as if you have just received a blow .
20 If you have just gained the exam results you need for a place at university or college , or for a job , than congratulations !
21 It is natural to find sleeping difficult if you have just suffered a bereavement or you are experiencing difficulties in a close relationship .
22 If you get any irritation — or if you have just overdone the sun a little — put three camomile teabags in your bath to soothe your skin .
23 Whenever I saw her and Shadwell together they always looked pretty intense , as if they 'd just had a fight or shared a lot of secrets .
24 If they had just kept the stuff they removed , it would have saved us six months of work . ’
25 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
26 It felt to her as if they had just unlocked the key to the whole universe , but she had a feeling that was not what he meant .
27 How can anyone be so arrogant as to talk about this Creature , this Thing , as if they knew It , as if they had just had a letter from It or had chatted to It over the phone , when the It can not be conceived , understood , described , or even proved to exist .
28 In 1965 , in the Brezhnev era to which many old-style Communists were to look back with fond nostalgia , an Englishman observing the May Day festival on Red Square wrote : ‘ The tourists , even the Americans , are delighted : they clap , cheer , photograph , and at the end simply gasp , as if they have just seen the greatest show on earth …
29 Islington could have saved its council and charge payers a great deal of money if it had just asked the advice of a local geography teacher and been told that it is better to go to France to learn French .
30 What about , if it 's just got a and a it ?
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