Example sentences of "if [adj] [noun pl] can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They belong to a point ( if three-and-a-half books can be called a point , for it lasts from half-way through Exodus to the end of Deuteronomy ) of great tension in the narrative .
2 However , Daphne told me that the tall spikes of flowers , resembling yellow lupins , last better if stem-rotting bacteria can be kept at bay .
3 If some principles can be agreed I will be looking to introduce this concept into other potential projects I have in mind .
4 If pure sands can be given sufficient organic matter to retain moisture and provide plant nutrients , they need no further structure as the pores between sand particles are large enough to allow drainage and sand can not be compacted into a ‘ pan ’ .
5 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
6 If such questions can be answered by a GIS then considerable sums of money could be saved by companies involved in distribution and sales .
7 Given the emphasis on Christianity in the ERA 1988 , parents from religious minority groups may now feel more inclined to exercise the right to withdraw their children from religious education at school , and perhaps also the right to have their children receive a particular form of RE away from school premises during school hours if appropriate arrangements can be made .
8 If routine interventions can be devised that effectively improve vitamin A status , the burden of xerophthalmia , other severe illness , and mortality in children will be substantially reduced .
9 It is a fact that a sale is more likely to ensue if fewer objections can be advanced initially , even if such objections can be satisfactorily overcome .
10 If sophisticated reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord , what is the purpose of the brain ?
11 Perhaps the only genuine conclusion that can be made at this particular time of flux is that arts teachers are generally receptive to the introduction of new approaches to assessing children 's work , but only if these developments can be seen to have a positive value in helping children to be more articulate about their strengths and weaknesses , and are therefore essentially formative in character .
12 However , if these observations can be made by somebody just passing through the service , surely something is wrong .
13 If these devices can be designed into the communication structure its effectiveness is improved .
14 Even if these things can be believed , it would be foolish to write off the Khmers Rouges .
15 If these problems can be overcome , it offers two advantages that chained overflow record handling does not .
16 If these problems can be overcome by the planners who are now setting to work under the direction of the UN Secretary-General , the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal could be an important step in strengthening international law .
17 If these problems can be solved , we would have an enhanced understanding of the constraints that guide evolutionary processes , the role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in diversification , and a new appreciation of metazoan diversity : in short , the rules of the game .
18 If these numbers can be reduced by a system that learns , the over all recognition performance should be increased .
19 If these points can be arranged satisfactorily then the sequential interview is by far the most streamlined and efficient way of allowing more than one person to be involved in selection .
20 Even if these disputes can be overcome , Mr Major will struggle to force through a broad range of measures aimed at lifting recession .
21 If these results can be confirmed , chemotherapy without gastrectomy should be the treatment of choice for agressive gastric lymphomas .
22 If these goals can be achieved , a loss of the intuitive appeal of the simple number scale will have been worthwhile .
23 Clearly , biotechnology will have an increasing role to play in environmental quality during the next few centuries , especially if existing methodologies can be improved by genetic engineering ( see below ) .
24 It 's a very good idea and it will help the fight if secondary cancers can be eliminated .
25 Because they cover a wide range of responsibilities — about assessment , financial management , curriculum balance and accountability — the manager provides a better service to his or her partners if a single interpretation is provided and if disparate demands can be connected by a common thread .
26 The first idea is refined into a hypothesis by collecting more evidence to see if it really works , and ultimately it may be elevated into the rather grand status of a Theory , if successful predictions can be based upon it .
27 Indeed , it is this last advantage which is most useful in giving guidance to performers of works other than these three , since if particular tempos can be found to be frequently associated with particular verbal instructions , these may acquire more precise meanings for other works , at least for those by the same composer ( see table 2 ) .
28 When batches are large , overall throughput will be much improved if any runs can be converted to batched and sorted operations .
29 Keep a diary and note if any particular pattern emerges , if any circumstances can be connected with increase or decrease of the tinnitus .
30 If enough wagons can be obtained with the necessary finance , this railway may well become the first to run such a train .
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