Example sentences of "if [adj] [noun sg] [was/were] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Those requiring residential accommodation were means tested and often they or their relatives paid some or all of the cost , while those needing nursing care received it under the NHS — naturally , free at the point of delivery — if private care was not requested .
2 What struck me , however , was how distant the preoccupations of the audience were from those which could capture a majority in modern Britain , or could govern it successfully if that majority were ever won .
3 The US components divisions would hit the goddamned roof if that proposal was ever given the light of day .
4 It can order the charge to be effective : ( i ) as against an administrator and liquidator , if it is satisfied that the inaccuracy did not prejudice any unsecured creditor or that no person became an unsecured creditor during the period when the registered particulars were defective and ( ii ) as against a person who acquires an interest , if that person was not misled by the unregistered particulars .
5 It would give the viewer freedom of choice , even if that freedom was not extended to the broadcasters .
6 If that impression were unfortunately given — I am sure that it will not be — investment from both British and international investors , would be deflected from this country and it would go to the continent to other areas likely to adopt the single currency .
7 The battles in Russia , Africa and Normandy became mere words , to be heard punctually from the loudspeaker at three or four o'clock , from the English news-reader if German security was sufficiently relaxed , or from anybody who thought he knew what the next allotment of words was going to be about .
8 He was also given the power to convict on any charge within his jurisdiction , even if another offence was originally specified on the charge sheet .
9 Perhaps it was only the effect of the cold , clinging mist but now and again I would catch a sound as if another rider were covertly following our route .
10 The Church is both monarchical and hierarchical ; having collaborators is not a limitation ; what would happen if this doctrine were not approved ?
11 Nevertheless , one ought not to underplay significantly the degree of consensus aimed for in England and Wales through consultation and extensive teacher participation in National Curriculum syllabus working groups , even if this system was rather undermined by the government 's rejection of several of the history working party 's recommendations .
12 If this course were not done , the licence was cancelled and a fine could be imposed .
13 If this hope was not fulfilled , and international agitation continued , he threatened , the situation would have to be re-examined .
14 Skinner 's notes to the final disc in the Christchurch recordings of the Byrd masses skate over the exact reasons for this change of pitch and , although I would agree that the brighter sound of trebles has the greater immediate impact than men 's voices alone , it could be argued that if this Mass was ever used , it would most likely have been performed by solo voices or a small and musically skinned ensemble gathered to celebrate a recusant Roman service , probably without the participation of boys .
15 If this process was properly carried out as a matter of public law , then the consequential private law right of the plaintiff was simply a right to the accommodation which the council had decided to be suitable .
16 I do n't know if this bet was ever settled and , if so , which way it was decided .
17 However , he is still with us , and his contribution from the Dispatch Box was in his usual style , as if this House was not made up of Members of Parliament , but delegates , all with their blue rinses and red necks , applauding to the rafters when he makes one of his roustabout speeches to the Conservative party conference .
18 For example , one sage quoted by Bodine railed against the custom of saying that X and Y were married , or worse , that Mr X was married to Miss Y. Propriety would be better served , he pointed out , if this fact were always expressed in terms of the woman being married to the man , since it is the woman who is passed from father to husband and loses her identity .
19 Leese case in 1936 as explained later nevertheless established reluctance by the authorities to prosecute obvious cases of seditious libel against Jews and other minorities if public order was not threatened , because publicity might create more harm than good and because of the fear that jury acquittals might be misunderstood .
20 The difficulty with such ‘ sympatric ’ speciation is that species differ , not at a single gene locus , but by many genes ; it is hard to see how such a difference could build up if sexual crossing was continuously breaking it down again .
21 If such information was not attended to in the judgment phase then it is possible that when it is seen in the recognition phase it will be noticed for the first time .
22 Many of these measures would require the approval of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers , although it was likely that , if such approval were not obtained before unification , the Commission would apply the measures on an emergency basis .
23 Argentina said it would withdraw from the Falklands if actual withdrawal were not required .
24 Despite the carpeted floor and the mules on her feet , Meryl already felt chilled , as if cold water was slowly rising up her legs .
25 The earlier ammonoids had gently wavy sutures , and many of the Mesozoic ones had sutures almost incredibly folded and contorted , so it looks as if natural selection were generally favouring increase in the elaboration of the folds .
26 If medical practice was not to disclose the risk , then a court would probably declare practice to be wrong .
27 Clearly , when real output per capita rises , it must be theoretically possible for the gainers to compensate any losers , but this could only be interpreted as an actual improvement if full compensation were actually paid .
28 If full parity were ever granted , there is a fear that a deadlock could arise and that in addition certain directors might be forced to reveal business secrets to their constituents which could paralyse the operation .
29 If faster scrapping was properly taken into account in the capital stock statistics it would show up in a higher figure for depreciation ( and thus a lower profit share ) rather than a falling output-capital ratio .
30 This talented , if washed-up musician was n't harbouring Rose — though he might know of her whereabouts .
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