Example sentences of "their [noun] [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ours were , in general , rather less well qualified than students in the established departments , but their attainments were in every way comparable .
2 They often needed money above and beyond their budget ( though sometimes not much ) — because usually their budget was for the routine things they were doing , and if they wanted to do something novel , they had to find extra funds .
3 Just when their creditors were on the point of issuing writs the Tecks left England for the continent , insolvent and heavily in debt .
4 Their debts were on the verge of managing them .
5 Another 17.93 per cent he found to be living in ‘ secondary ’ poverty , i.e. their income was above the minimum but Rowntree 's investigators described them as ‘ obviously living in a state of poverty , i.e. in obvious want and squalor ’ .
6 Their camp was on an island in the ice , and the sea ice moved sometimes .
7 As they walked along , their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge .
8 The accident happened in heavy rain on the A 424 , three miles north of Burford , just a hundred yards from the spot where a couple were killed in December after their car was in a collision with a coach .
9 Their eyes were on the Miracle-Worker , the Angel Gabriel , perched in motionless splendour on a silver-gilded cloud , his hair awash with sunlight and his magical face worn like a mask that concealed some greater magic .
10 Their bedroom was in the front of the house and looked out over the sea , a vast expanse of blue , sparkling in early morning sunshine .
11 Their future was in the hands of pre-teen and teenage crews as the RYA 's Stuart Jardine and Jim Saltonstall , senior racing coach , stalked them round the lake to see how they performed .
12 All of their work was with the ball .
13 Last time their work was in THE FACE it had to be censored .
14 As they walked along , their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge .
15 And that they let those beliefs shape their lives — as if their lives were of no account . ’
16 Areas where the workforce extended their influence were in the procedures for promotion , where the power of managerial prerogative was weakened and increasing weight was given to seniority and skill tests ; in joint determination of rosters tor footplate and train staff ; in the ending of split shifts ; and in the reform of the authoritarian disciplinary system .
17 Large investments in Thailand by multinationals , and torrid family squabbles , suggested that their influence was on the wane .
18 Their home was in a village far away in the High Tatra Mountains .
19 The action project began on 1 April 1984 and any people aged 65 or over who were referred to the hospital psychogeriatric service during the 12 months to the end of March 1985 and who were diagnosed as suffering from dementia , became members of the action sample if they lived in the action area , and of the control sample if their home was in the control area ( so long as they were not living permanently in an institution at the time of referral and they or their carers gave consent for their inclusion ) .
20 In the sort of conflict situation in which Benjamin Spock ( 1946 ) would suggest ‘ distracting him to something interesting but harmless ’ or ‘ give him a graceful way out ’ ( from a temper tantrum ) , or where Susan Isaacs in 1932 tells the mother ‘ not to be too ready to treat any momentary defiance as an immediate occasion for a pitched battle of wills ’ , the Evangelicals and their followers were , on the contrary , eager to seize upon such an opportunity , since their battle was with the devil himself , and the child 's spiritual salvation at stake ; distraction was the last thing they would have advised , for it was their urgent intention to rouse in the young child a vivid appreciation of his own shortcomings , as being the quickest and most effective means of subjugating his will to higher authority .
21 It 's a yawn to go on about it , but their attitude was in every sense of the word incredible .
22 Less consciously , their desire was for a baby to be given to them by a symbolic mother ( the female doctor ) .
23 The end of active hostilities between Chad and Libya in September 1987 ( see pp. 35876-79 ) , and the formal declaration of Oct. 3 , 1988 , that their war was at an end ( see p. 36256 ) , made it possible for the Habre regime to pursue what it described as a policy of " national reconciliation " with the many groups and factions which had come into being during the country 's protracted civil war .
24 If the ownership of rivers and lakes were as well de fined as houses and factories , then the law of tort and contract would ensure that their owners were in a position to take legal action against any company which pumped effluent into them .
25 Their guns were on the table by their hands , out of Tug 's reach , and from both of them came a feeling of expectant tension .
26 Their alliance was at an end .
27 Their relationship was at an end .
28 Respect for their seniors was near the top of the list … however high or humble they might be .
29 That although you know , erm interviewing eve if if not everybody on the flats , as many people as possible , as to what their feelings were about the flats and so on , to actually ca done all that , and involved them erm in the erm What has resulted is , the flats being vacated .
30 Christopher Pitchford , QC , prosecuting , told the jury : ‘ Whatever their feelings were on the home of an elderly woman being broken into by a gang of drug-crazed teenagers , it did not give anyone the excuse to take the law into their own hands . ’
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