Example sentences of "their [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The six will give their views as part of the first ever children 's museum of the year competition .
2 In 1985 , ACTA established a national maritime art award and P&O Containers have decided to continue their support in partnership with the Australian National Maritime Museum .
3 All students are required to enrol initially at the beginning of their course of study at the University , and to re-enrol annually , at the beginning of each academic year .
4 Furthermore , since they are not directives but guidelines they must be flexible enough to allow for teacher participation and the exercise of initiative so that teachers can follow their course in reference to the bearings provided .
5 Because of the way that erm the school changed over from having a system of streaming in its first three years , to a system where mixed ability was introduced year by year from the first to the third year , I was able to follow two groups of pupils through the school — one lot of pupils in their streamed classes , and then another lot following them on in their mixed ability classes — and try and discover something about the differences in their experience of school in the two different modes , in the streamed and in the mixed ability classes .
6 Because of the way that the school changed over from having a system of streaming in its first three years to a system where mixed ability is introduced year by year from the first to third year , I was able to follow two groups of pupils through the school , one lot of pupils in their streamed classes and then another lot following them on in their mixed ability classes , and try and discover something about the differences in their experience of school in the two different modes , in the streamed and the mixed ability classes .
7 I step over tiny children drawing with their fingers in spit on the rusty floor outside our cabin .
8 Others took to the streets or banged saucepans from their balconies in support of the uprising .
9 Five ministers resigned from the Chandra Shekhar government in February 1991 following their disqualification from membership of the Lok Sabha under the anti-defection laws [ see pp. 38005-06 ] .
10 The first role clearly requires their presence in court throughout the hearing to instruct the local authority solicitor as necessary .
11 As a final ironic footnote , in August 1982 , after the showing of a documentary on Yorkshire television on the hazards of asbestos , Liam Beecher of the ITGWU , one of the officials involved in the Raybestos controversy , expressed concern over the effect on the health of the Raybestos workers of their exposure to asbestos in the factory and called for regular monitoring of the health of the 130 people who had worked in the Raybestos Manhattan factory .
12 His family made their money from investment in the railways . ’
13 ‘ They have the guns and the dogs and the wire , they have their norms of output in the Factory , they have their regulations and their camp regime .
14 Stepps played with great courage throughout but they appear to have lost their fight for survival in the division .
15 FAMILIES of victims of the Hove arson tragedy take their fight for justice to the High Court next week .
16 My Government will continue their fight against terrorism in the United Kingdom and elsewhere .
17 WITH the two main floodlit tournaments in Junior Rugby just around the corner , many clubs are looking forward to the opportunity to sharpen their skills in preparation for the first batch of league matches .
18 Clearly the relativistic approach of Becker is self evidently required in one form or another in any sociology of deviance , and it is perhaps a rather miserable reflection on the state of the discipline that such an elementary argument is ignored by those who see it as clashing with their struggle for admission to the club of natural science .
19 Over 4000 members have already given their verdict in favour of the club 's ‘ fabulous facilities manifesto ’ and its dual function , ( tennis ' double whammy , if you like ! ) , that of meeting all member needs while maintaining a warm and welcoming atmosphere within the club 's spacious acres .
20 Treatment Centres take the sufferers through the first five steps of the recovery programme in as many weeks in order to lessen their dread in anticipation in the future and not because they believe that it is really possible to recover at that speed .
21 Since most shares issued are ‘ fully paid up ’ , shareholders may hide behind the corporate veil , assured that their liability with respect to the company does not extend beyond the value of their shares .
22 Third , the state has its own historically developed ‘ interests ’ which it can express to a greater or lesser degree depending on the balance of external class forces and their forms of representation within the state .
23 For their part , the Conservative-dominated National governments of Baldwin and Chamberlain in Britain , engaged in their policies of appeasement towards the fascist powers , were anxious to prevent the Spanish war from spreading , even at the cost of turning a blind eye to the involvement of Italy , Germany and the Soviet Union .
24 The investigations into poverty carried out by Peter Townsend ( 1957 , 1979 ) were both descriptive and explanatory , and were intended to prompt governments into modifying their policies in relation to the poor .
25 The research aims to assess the extent and ways in which such companies have restructured their activities in response to the volatile international economy of the last fifteen years .
26 The Dutch sellers now relied upon a clause ( clause 13 ) in their contract of sale with the buyers and claimed therefore to have proprietary rights entitling them to have priority over the buyers ' other creditors .
27 Unlike partnerships in which the partners decide policy , in the business corporation the equity owners relinquished their privilege in favour of the directors .
28 When they took their stand against gambling on the football pools by refusing to release the fixture-lists in advance , they incurred the wrath of the press as well as the pools promoters .
29 The Stock Exchange and others hope that sharp-eyed analysts and journalists will spot companies that admit in their accounts to non-compliance with the code , and trust that the resulting bad publicity will force them to comply in future .
30 In addition to preparing their accounts in accordance with the technical requirements relevant to their status under the Companies Acts and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice , this year 's entrants also had to contend with SORP 2 , Accounting by Charities .
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