Example sentences of "their [noun] [adv] if they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do not do this but some pe everyone 's entitled to throw their money away if they like .
2 ‘ But it will definitely be rescheduled for the New Year and fans who have already bought tickets will find they are still valid or they can have their money back if they prefer . ’
3 But Guatemalans can enjoy their freedom only if they stick to the unwritten rules .
4 They 'd cry their eyes out if they heard even a whisper of this silly talk . ’
5 Under the 1988 Housing Act , local authorities will have to increase their rents further if they allow arrears and fail to achieve 100 per cent rent collection .
6 Masked and armed , they tied up 52year-old John Bayles and his wife , Elizabeth with a washing line , threatened to burn their home down if they did not reveal where their money was and ransacked the house .
7 And the parties could fulfil their promises only if they presented a uniform program to the electorate and achieved a cohesive majority in the House of Commons to carry through that program .
8 Yet the eastern wage deal has an escape clause : companies may pay their workers less if they exercise a ‘ hardship clause ’ and prevail upon IG Metall to co-operate .
9 Erm some of the banks actually lay off the charges to some extent , but I think he might find that a bit expensive to run , erm and of course they 'll take their charges even if they do n't make a profit for you .
10 If you have young children , therefore , you should encourage them to wash their hands thoroughly if they have touched the ground — and always before eating or drinking .
11 So do strong aggressive animals which are well able to protect their babies even if they do not deposit them in a den deep underground .
12 And er the spoolers think they 're better than us , cos they get higher pay than us , they think it 's er they 're more skilled , it takes them to longer to train to do the job seemingly but they could n't , we have to sort their repairs again if they do anything wrong it 's us that have
13 I mean even if you did provide reassurances , just because the peasants were well aware of the fact that hardl although they 'd been given lands and their had been er the lan you know the previous been destroyed , the Communist Party could take back their land tomorrow if they wanted to .
14 Most of those leaving the cities have had to buy their way out if they wanted to live in environmentally more-attractive areas that , particularly in the south of England and — to some extent — increasingly elsewhere , were proving to be the most economically active .
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