Example sentences of "their [noun] [adv] [conj] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They undressed in the dark , in gathering panic , and fell into bed and closed their eyes tight and pretended to snore .
2 By this time MI6 and the government had got their act together and decided to leak a false version of events to the public .
3 WC apps : 9 Winners : 1930 , 1950 If they really have got their act together and manage to cut out the cynical stuff , Uruguay could achieve much more this time .
4 Leeds fortunately got their act together and started passing the ball around and a couple of minutes later Forrester volleyed in from ten yards after good work on the right by Dave White .
5 He deduced that the nomadic Hebrews had their origins there and had brought no more than a handful of the place names with them when they eventually settled in Palestine .
6 Users specify their needs rather than having to construct the procedures to retrieve the required data .
7 This is when the pilots who have been hibernating during the winter months get their gliders out and start flying again .
8 Which would be as good a way as any for me to get Rainbow off the premises , before those inhibitions of hers — which I 've left bound and gagged at the back of her wardrobe — work their knots out and come riding to the rescue .
9 The management usually have a ruling that receptionists do not socialise with the guests on a personal basis ; therefore staff should not make dates with guests or visit their rooms even if invited to do so .
10 There is often a large sag in the line-up of boards , because although the people at either end are confident that they are not over the line , the people in the middle can not judge their approach precisely and tend to hold back in caution .
11 They formed their line again and started searching for Esmerelda while I was carried back to the house .
12 In the case of music examinations there are doubtless some teachers who keep their pupils back and refuse to enter them for an examination unless they are virtually certain that they will succeed .
13 The administrative officer of ‘ A ’ Squadron , Lieut John Todd , in a letter written towards the end of July , told me that Leslie 's aircraft was one of several which had dropped men in France on 17 June , and that the other planes had accomplished their mission successfully and had returned safely to base .
14 The friends , all from the Meadowfield and Brandon area of County Durham , had stayed overnight on their way home and had made an early start to get back in time to play in a Sunday League fixture for their local pub team .
15 The basic idea is fairly simple ; that individual shareholders , disappointed with the firm 's performance , gradually decide to sell their shares rather than attempt to surmount the free rider problem discussed earlier .
16 London was safe and she answered questions about their stay there and managed to smile and be animated .
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