Example sentences of "their [noun] [noun] over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I began with some general considerations on the division of labour and social collectivities , then offered an account of the development of political forces and their support blocs over the post-war years .
2 In all 3,200 middle-aged men were given either beta blockers or diuretics for their blood pressure over a 10-year period .
3 It seems that , although some substantial and long-standing export industries declined , others expanded their export sales over the post-war period ( although the rise slowed down in the early 1980s ) .
4 ‘ Even sceptics have to admit that the French have something to show for their research efforts over the past two years ’ concedes one scientific counsellor at a foreign embassy in Paris .
5 What we are clearly seeing in some areas is roughly the same group of people exploiting the same local landscape for their subsistence requirements over a long period , but with successive generations living on different sites at different times .
6 So if people are going into their Community Centre over the next week , they can expect to , to see part of this campaign ?
7 Unlike the 1991 Rugby World Cup , which took place over a whole month , not to mention the three months build-up , thereby allowing the sponsors to develop their marketing strategy over a long period of time , the World Sevens tournament is a three-day event , with the commercial potential of a ‘ Market blink ’ , as he puts it .
8 In the main cash market , dealers who have progressively flattened their trading books over the past two weeks were caught on the hop by the sudden decision of several large institutions to buy stock while voting was still going on .
9 Learn and remember about the bloodshed at Grunwick , the abuse of power by union barons with their iron control over the last Labour government , the continual disruption of industry by strikes , flying and mass pickets , the uncollected rubbish and unburied dead , inflation at 27 per cent .
10 So most of the 750 or so who have emerged victorious from their motel weekend over the last decade are condemned , like the Ancient Mariner , to spend their lives trailing around the country , telling their tale to uninterested local Conservative worthies in the hope they 'll be offered the honour of fighting the seat .
11 Despite endorsing DCC on their world tour over the last year , Straits manager Ed Bicknell instructed record company Polygram to withdraw all Mark Knopfler 's projected releases .
12 The California people even suggested that the four major outbreaks of infection in their monkey colonies over the past 14 years were due to AIDS .
13 Patients kept a detailed record of their food consumption over a three day period before their first follow up appointment in the maintenance phase of the study and also described their normal physical activity .
14 They have trained hundreds of dogs at their Oxfordshire centre over the last 5 years .
15 Er fix their interest rates over a longer term period .
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