Example sentences of "has [adv] been [adv] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 For B&O , form has long been as important as function , allowing it to avoid the open-sandwich school of Danish design .
2 Environmental pollution in the Gulf has not been as extensive as feared , according to a survey by a team from the Monaco-based Marine Environment Laboratory , an arm of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) [ see also ED 62 ] .
3 Food costs have been high in the past because Fred has not been as efficient as he might have been ( he certainly seems to have neglected his record-keeping ! ) , and his action in letting Chrissie take the food was motivated by his resentment at being demoted .
4 ‘ No doubt business is better than last year but it has not been as good as many people suggested it might be , ’ he said .
5 Although data and voice transmission lines are moving gradually towards the 144Kbits per second Integrated Services Digital Networks specification , the report believes that ISDN has not been as successful as many pundits believed it would be .
6 Although data and voice transmission lines are moving gradually towards the 144Kbits per second Integrated Services Digital Networks specification , the report believes ISDN has not been as successful as many pundits believed it would be .
7 Therefore , the Minister has not been as generous as he pretends .
8 The effect of this change has not been as dramatic as had been feared .
9 In spite of these impressive results , progress in finding other examples of neurons with highly selective trigger features has not been as rapid as was hoped .
10 The commercial application of expert systems in the UK has not been as widespread as was originally anticipated .
11 Erm it perhaps has n't been as major as as people might er have thought it should be .
12 It has n't been as difficult as I thought it would be , so far … but I 'm determined not to have another smoke .
13 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
14 It has previously been as high as 60p , and should rocket . "
15 One gain might come from the elimination of the discount in Gencor 's share price as compared with the total value of its subsidiaries — a discount that has recently been as high as 4 billion rand .
16 Paradoxically , the Pentagon has never been as preoccupied as the State Department with the vagaries of General Noriega .
17 Whether it is viewed as a physical or metaphysical symbol , the image has never been so degraded as it is today .
18 In 1932 , for example , Mrs Q. D. Leavis had roundly condemned the cheapening and weakening influences of the popular press and popular novels which produced ‘ merely crude states of mind ’ and what she called ‘ the disintegration of the reading public ’ : ‘ The reading capacity of the general public , it must be concluded , has never been so low as at the present time . ’
19 The need for effective communications , both with our members and others , has never been so great as in these times of significant change and development .
20 If is often said that as people get older they care less what other people think , but it has never been so true as in the last 25 years , when women who were brought up to propitiate the more powerful sex gradually realised that it was no longer necessary — or , at least , not always necessary — to do so .
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