Example sentences of "has [adv] [vb pp] [pron] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She has not cut herself off from her parents , however , as this is something which would only have led her to feel guilty and therefore decreased her confidence even further .
2 However many problems there may be , there is a natural human instinct to form relationships all through our lives , although occasionally one will find a recluse — someone who has deliberately cut himself off from human contact .
3 Sinead has really pulled it off in a big , bold way here ; her honesty and emotional intensity permeate every bar , every nuance of every lyric .
4 SINEAD HAS really pulled it off in a big , bold way ; her honesty and emotional intensity permeate every bar , every nuance of every lyric .
5 I am sure that sometimes it has even started one off on its own grooming session .
6 What can be said for them is that if the High Priest is acting in the fullest awareness at present attainable by his people , it is right for him to perform the sacrifice , just as it would be right for a Western onlooker to try to dissuade him ; he is not like a Nazi who has voluntarily shut himself off from the knowledge of biology and history and the personal sensitivity attained by the culture of the Weimar Republic .
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